PHYSICAL SCIENCE 120 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS As you view the PHS 120 Power Points you will be prompted to advance to the next slide when you see this symbol (*). (*)
Mineral Definition……………….……Slide 3 Hardness……………………………………..8 Cleavage……………………………….…...12 Fracture……………………………..…..….19 Streak………………………………………21 Luster…………………………..……….….23 Color……………………………………….28 Specific Gravity………………………… Taste……………………………………….48 Magnetism…………………………………49 Double Refraction…………………………53 Reaction to HCl (acid)…………………….54 Diaphaneity………………………………..56 Crystals………………………………….…60 Isometric……………………………….…..62 Hexagonal……………………………….…66 Tetragonal………………………………….70 Orthorhombic…………………………..…..74 Monoclinic……………………………… Triclinic…………………………………….82 Resources…………………………………..85 TABLE OF CONTENTS This list of slides will allow you to review the various topics of the presentation. (*) During the presentation you can “right mouse click” on a slide to go to the edit mode. (*) Physical Science 120 students are required to do pages 1 – 54.
Mineral Identification Basics What is a Mineral? There is a classic four part definition for mineral. Minerals must be: (*) Naturally occurring (*) Inorganic (*) Possess a definite crystalline structure (*) Have a definite chemical composition (*) Cubic Fluorite Crystal
Mineral Identification Basics What is a Mineral? Minerals are not synthetic - they are produced by the natural geological processes working on Earth. For example, steel, brass, bronze and aluminum are not considered minerals in that they are not found in nature. (*) Technically speaking, synthetic gemstones are not considered minerals. This area of mineralogy has a hazy boundary in that synthetic stones are in every way the same as the natural stones. But because they are produced in laboratories, they do not meet the classic definition of a mineral. (*) Also note that many synthetic gemstones are “doped” with a fluorescent dye to distinguish them from natural stone. (*) Tourmaline Crystal from Brazil Naturally Occurring (*)
Mineral Identification Basics What is a Mineral? Minerals are NOT produced by organic processes. As a result things like pearls, coral, coal and amber are not considered minerals. Also included in this “NOT a Mineral List” are teeth, bones, sea shells and even kidney stones. (*) Barite Rose - A flower like growth of Barite crystals. Inorganic (*)
Mineral Identification Basics What is a Mineral? Minerals are the result of atoms joining together through electrical bonds to produce a definite internal structure. (*) Crystalline Pattern of Halite Red = Sodium Green = Chlorine Internal Structure Halite (salt) from Searles Lake, CA It is the nature of the atoms and the strength of the chemical bonds that determine many of the minerals’ physical and chemical properties. (*) (*)
Mineral Identification Basics What is a Mineral? Minerals can be expressed by a chemical formula. The internal order of minerals means that there is a definite relationship in the number of atoms that makes up the mineral. (*) Halite - NaCl For every atom of Sodium there is an atom of Chlorine. Definite Chemical Composition (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES HARDNESS HARDNESS is defined as the resistance a mineral has to being scratched - its “scratchability”. Hardness tests are done by scratching one mineral against another. The mineral that is scratched is softer than the other. (*) Pyrite Crystals Hardness of 6.5 (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES HARDNESS In this photo, a quartz crystal will be rubbed across a glass plate. The result is that the glass plate will be scratched. The quartz is therefore harder than the glass. (*) Quartz is harder than glass. HINT: In doing a hardness test try to pick a smooth or flat surface on the mineral to be scratched. Try to pick a point or a sharp edge on the mineral that you think will do the scratching. Glass is usually a good place to start because it is in the middle of the hardness table, it has a flat, smooth surface and it is easily obtained. (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES HARDNESS Care must be taken on some minerals that crumble easily. Remember that hardness is the resistance a mineral has to being scratched - NOT how easily it breaks apart. The physical property related to the ease in which a mineral breaks is tenacity. (*) Also be sure to determine the hardness of a mineral on a fresh surface whenever possible. Some minerals have a tendency to oxidize or corrode. These surface deposits usually have a different hardness than the fresh mineral. (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES CLEAVAGE CLEAVAGE is the property of a mineral that allows it to break repeatedly along smooth, flat surfaces. (*) These GALENA cleavage fragments were produced when the crystal was hit with a hammer. Note the consistency of the 90 o angles along the edges. (*) These are FLUORITE cleavage fragments. (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES CLEAVAGE Within this crystalline pattern it is easy to see how atoms will separate to produce cleavage with cubic (90 o ) angles. (*) It is similar to tearing a piece of paper that has perforations in it. The paper has a tendency to tear along the perforations. They are zones of weakness. (*) In this example the lines represent breaks between the atoms that make up the mineral. Cleavage is guided by the atomic structure. (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES CLEAVAGE These pictures show different cleavage angles and the quality of cleavage. Fluorite has cleavage in four directions. (*) A thin sheet of Muscovite seen on edge. Mica has perfect cleavage in ONE direction. (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES CLEAVAGE Common salt (the mineral HALITE) has very good cleavage in 3 directions. (*) These 3 directions of cleavage are mutually perpendicular resulting in cubic cleavage. (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES CLEAVAGE Rhombohedral Cleavage - 3 directions CALCITE Even these tiny fragments have rhombohedral cleavage. (*) (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES CLEAVAGE Blocky Cleavage 2 directions Orthoclase Feldspar (*) Orthoclase feldspar has good cleavage in 2 directions. The blocky appearance of this specimen is a hint that it has cleavage. The clue that the specimen has cleavage is the fact that numerous faces will reflect light at the same time. Each face is parallel and light will reflect of each face producing a flash of light. (*) Note that the faces in the circle are at different levels. By adjusting the lighting, all of the parallel faces will reflect simultaneously. This results in a flash of light from all the parallel faces. (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES CLEAVAGE TALC has micaceous cleavage. That is to say that it cleaves like mica (1 perfect direction) but, in talc the crystals are so small that they cannot easily be seen. Instead the effect is that the talc “feels soapy”. The second picture shows some of the talc that has cleaved onto the fingers. (*) (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FRACTURE FRACTURE is defined as the way a mineral breaks other than cleavage. (*) This is a piece of volcanic glass called OBSIDIAN. Even though it is NOT a mineral, it is shown here because it has excellent conchoidal fracture. (*) If you try this yourself, use caution. Conchoidal fracture in obsidian can produce extremely sharp edges. (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FRACTURE This Quartz crystal will be struck with a hammer to show how that the external form of the crystal does not repeat when broken. (The flat crystal faces are not cleavage faces.) This is a good example of conchoidal fracture. (*) Note the smooth curved surfaces. (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES STREAK STREAK is defined as the color of the mineral in powder form. (*) Hematite on Streak Plate Streak is normally obtained by rubbing a mineral across a “streak plate”. This is a piece of unglazed porcelain. The streak plate has a hardness of around 7 and rough texture that allows the minerals to be abraded to a powder. This powder is the streak. (*) Hematite has a reddish brown streak. (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES STREAK Sphalerite is a dark mineral, however, it has a light colored streak. Next to the reddish brown streak of hematite is a light yellow streak. This is the streak of the sphalerite. (*) Sphalerite has a light yellow streak. (*) Light colored streaks are often difficult to see against the white streak plate. It is often useful to rub your finger across the powder to see the streak color. (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES LUSTER LUSTER is defined as the quality of reflected light. Minerals have been grossly separated into either METALLIC or NON-METALLIC lusters. Following are some examples: (*) Native Silver has a Metallic Luster. (*)
The basic idea for Metallic Luster is that the minerals look like metals. (*) Mineral Identification Basics LUSTER METALLICPHYSICAL PROPERTIES LUSTER METALLIC Stibnite Galena Marcasite Pyrite (*)
Vitreous Luster means that the mineral has a “glassy” look. Normally we think of glass as being clear, but there are many different colors of glass and they are all very “glassy” looking. Even china plates and glazed porcelain are vitreous. Here are some examples: (*) Mineral Identification Basics NON-METALLICLUSTER VITREOUSNON-METALLIC LUSTER VITREOUS Olivine - Peridot Wulfenite SpinelQuartz (*)
Mineral Identification Basics NON METALLICNON METALLIC LUSTER Miscellaneous Lusters Asbestos - SilkyApophyllite – Pearly (*) Limonite - Dull or Earthy Sphalerite - Resinous Graphite has a greasy or submetallic luster and easily marks paper. (*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES LUSTER This piece of Native Copper is severely weathered. It does not look metallic. (*) This is the same piece but the left side has been buffed with a steel brush. Note the bright metallic luster. (*) The moral to this story is to look at a fresh surface whenever possible.(*)
Mineral Identification Basics PHYSICAL PROPERTIES COLOR The COLOR of a mineral is usually the first thing that a person notices when observing a mineral. However, it is normally NOT the best physical property to begin the mineral identification process. (*) Following are some examples of color variation within mineral species followed by minerals that have a distinctive color: (*) Various colors of CALCITE. (*)