Welcome to Room 2 With Miss Sinclair
Hi I’m Melanie Sinclair and this is my 6 th year of teaching. I am a born and bred Mataura girl and enjoy what the community has to offer. I play hockey for Mataura and am extremely competitive. I live just out of Mataura with my partner Mark and our gorgeous dog Meeka. I have a passion for teaching and look forward to In my spare time I love hanging out with my family.
Room 2 goals To create independence To be safe, respectful and responsible To become confident, resilient and motivated learners.
Room 2’s programme Consists of reading, writing and maths This terms topic is “Lest we Forget” P.E focus- Athletics and Swimming for term 1. Library days are Mondays. - The child will put their book in their tote tray until Monday.
Reading Shared Reading Guided reading Home reading – What does this look like? National Standards expectations - After 1 year at school – Green text - After 2 years at school – Turquoise text o How can you help at home??
Writing Shared and Guided writing High frequency words Word cards Handwriting How can you help at home…
Mathematics Strategy Strand Algorithms??? What we do now. Basics – numbers What can you do?
Homework To be handed in on Friday Book to be read every night Poetry home on Friday Extras - What you can do above and beyond what is given to you in class.
Reporting After 6months, 1.5 years, 2.5 years, and 3.5 years you will receive a portfolio home to share the great success your child has made. After 1 year, 2 years, 3 years you will receive a portfolio and a report home in regards to your child’s progress against the National Standards.