Important to know and do Worth being familiar with Essential Learning
Essential Learning Should Meet One or More of These Criteria Endurance--- Knowledge or skill that lasts beyond a class period or course. Leverage ---Knowledge and skill that will be of value in multiple disciplines. Readiness for the next level of learning ---Knowledge or skill that are necessary for success in the next grade or the next level of instruction. (Reeves & Ainsworth, (2003) Assessment---Can the learning be readily assessed?
Can you find the red herring? ● Interpret and analyze charts and graphs (5th grade science) ● Incorporate textual evidence to support persuasive writing (7th grade ELA/Writing) ● Use effective mathematical reasoning to defend a solution (10th grade math) ● Make healthful choices regarding diet, exercise (9th grade Health) ● Evaluate political, social, and historical claims/decisions in light of available evidence and reasoning (11th grade History)
Determining Acceptable Evidence What kind of an assessment would allow you to document and monitor students’ growth toward proficiency? ●Selected Response (multiple choice, true-false, matching) ●Constructed Response (fill in the blank, short answer, label a diagram, show your work, etc.) ●Performances (oral presentation, demonstration, debate, speech, etc.) ●Products (essay, research paper, lab report, portfolio, illustration, 3-D model, iMovie, Podcast, etc.) ●Process-Focused (oral questioning, observation, interview, conference, “think aloud” learning log, etc.)
Making Wise Choices to Measure The SLO DO NOT USE!!! WKCE, Smarter Balanced, ACT, Aspire, AP o Must reflect in-year growth o Must be able to take a mid-point progress check District standardized assessments (MAP/Star) can be good for measuring growth at the school level High quality teacher created assessments can be the best (but sometimes this is easier said than done) o What crosses and is applicable to everyone in your target population? o Who will design the measure? o Who will administer and score? 5
PE Standards
Writing Standards for Literacy in All Subjects