Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF from SOPAF HR Shared Services Unit Obstacles and Challenges in Engaging with the African Diaspora
China USA India W Europe New Zealand Argentina Africa is BIG! Area (Mln sq km) China9.6 USA9.4 India3.3 W Europe4.9 Argentina2.8 New Zealand Africa30.3 Africa represents: 20% of global land area 13% of global population 2 % of global economic output 1 % of global Internet users Total GDP similar to Switzerland Number of fixed line telephone similar to Tokyo, Mobiles have now overtaken fixed lines Limited airline connections between countries. Air travel between some counties is via Europe North-South cross-Continental flight : 11 hours 5 time zones
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF Purpose of this Presentation Sharing Shell’s initiatives launched from Africa between May and December 2004 Providing an insight into the challenges Shell faced The way forward in 2005
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF Shell Oil Products Africa (SOPAF) The HR Vision: Management of our African Business from Africa by African People
Shell Businesses in Africa
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF Shell Oil Products Africa (SOPAF) Key Drivers for SOPAF Attraction and Recruitment included: Significant increase in the recruitment need of high potential African talent Credibility of recruitment processes and decisions Speed of talent delivery Management of costs Sustainable delivery of talent Development of HR professionals Finding a Solution…
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF Shell Oil Products Africa (SOPAF) Attraction and Recruitment Strategy and Solution for Africa: Establishing an Attraction & Recruitment Unit in Africa Leveraging the combined business presence in Africa Develop sustainable recruitment capability Market research Understanding and building employer brand Implement Long & Short term attraction strategies International Attraction programmes Establishment of Academic and Professional networks Successful placement of high potential recruits Onboarding
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF SOPAF Recruitment Delivery
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF SOPAF Recruitment Delivery Significant African talent absorbed into Africa Significantly strengthened specific skill pools Representation from all regions across Africa Representation across gender – 50%/50% split A number of African candidates starting in global businesses in Europe and the Middle East with second assignments in Africa Only a very small number of candidates rejected offers in Africa Positions in Africa offer attractive career and development opportunities Increased consideration of career opportunities in Africa by African post graduates studying abroad Pull factor: Job content, breadth of responsibilities and exposure
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF Africa Recruitment Challenges:
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF Africa Recruitment Challenges: Skill gaps Political / Social Unrest Candidate Pool within Africa Vacancie s Labour & Market agreement s Global Competitor s Present specific to disciplines and locations Increasing preference on specific work locations & concerns on long term employme nt stability UN Economic Commission for Africa: 20,000 Africans leave the continent each year to work abroad High increase in positions Few regional agreement s cater for free movement of people across borders Increased global competitio n for talent and incentives to return to Africa Internal Strategy and Objectives Increased profitability aspiration for operations in Africa
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF Going Forward: Challenges
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF Going Forward… Challenges: Africa Diaspora linkages to Africa – family, making a difference back home…but the step back into Africa is perceived as too big. The longer out of Africa the more difficult the return becomes. Cross border postings are not supported by current market agreements, some exception: ECOWAS Difficult to compete with competitive global offers Are companies focusing on closing the short term skills gap as opposed to providing long term career commitments? What perception is being created for the Diaspora? Diversity in languages across Africa: i.e. French, Portuguese, Arabic and English create difficulties in integrating business and staff movements.
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF Going Forward: Finding a solution
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF Going Forward… Finding a solution as one…. Understanding where to attract outside of Africa for specific regional requirements Gaining further understanding of what constitutes an attractive employer offer to the Diaspora Attract at graduate and post-graduate level Being flexible around location of employment Allow for diversity of languages Provide internships for graduates to experience work life in Africa Leverage African societies and interest groups active outside and inside Africa Connecting with students sponsored by governments to study abroad
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF Going Forward… Finding a solution as one…. Africa Careers Fairs abroad African webpage Providing some ‘soft landing’ support Recruitment process facilitates pre-placement experience and contact Providing as much information as possible on jobs, working conditions, development opportunities Opportunities to engage with the Company Offer global career opportunities Offer global learning and development opportunities
Attraction & Recruitment - SOPAF Going Forward… Finding a solution as part of a whole….”Better Together” Stable political, social and economic climate Increased regional integration which facilitates attractive careers Work permit considerations Providing global learning and career opportunities Providing business insight into academic curricula Partnering with governments on policy issues Marketing Africa’s real and exciting job prospects Businesses sharing best practice – ‘raising the bar’ Leverage the strong Diaspora community network