Grant Programs to Support Community Engagement and Service Learning Judy Botelho Interim Director, Center for Community Engagement.


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Presentation transcript:

Grant Programs to Support Community Engagement and Service Learning Judy Botelho Interim Director, Center for Community Engagement Elizabeth Ambos Assistant Vice Chancellor, Research Initiatives and Partnerships CSU Chancellor’s Office November 13, 2008

Schedule and Purpose for November 13, 2008 Workshop  10:30-11:00 a.m.: Present overview of grant programs of potential interest to CSU Centers for Community Engagement; provide you with suggestions and strategies for proposal and program success  11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.: Team Assignment #1: Clarify proposal goals and objectives. Working lunch.  12:00-1:30 p.m.: Presentations by grant program officers  1:30-3:45 p.m.: Team Assignment #2: make progress on at least one of these components: (1) grant proposal outline (2) grant proposal summary or abstract, (3) grant proposal budget; (4) build a realistic proposal preparation schedule  3:45-4:00 p.m.: Wrap-Up and Next Steps.  Adjourn: 4:00 p.m.

Featured Grant Programs  National Science Foundation –Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement  National Endowment for Arts –Learning in the Arts for Children and Youth  U.S. Department of Education –Migrant Education Even Start –Interventions for Struggling Adolescent/Adult Readers and Writers

Featured Federal Grant Programs  Campuses are required to submit their federal grant applications electronically through, the federal government’s online application system.  First-time users, must be registered. Registration with  Is a multi-step process  Takes time; allow two weeks  Must be completed before you can submit your application  If you have already registered with, make sure you renew/review your registration before you apply

U.S. Department of Education Interventions for Struggling Adolescent/Adult Readers and Writers To improve the reading and writing skills among adolescent and adult readers and writers. The development of effective tools and strategies for these learners is an intended long-term outcome. Applications must address the following for struggling adolescent/ adult readers or writers: o Curricula for teaching reading or writing or for addressing the underlying causes ; o Instructional approaches for teaching reading or writing or for addressing the underlying causes; o Training for teachers or para-professionals who provide instruction; or o Reading or writing assessments to support instruction.

U.S. Department of Education Interventions for Struggling Adolescent/Adult Readers and Writers  Letter of Intent: April 27, 2009  Full Proposal Deadline: June 25, 2009 OR  Letter of Intent: August 3, 2009  Full Proposal Deadline: October 1, 2009  Website:

National Science Foundation Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI)  CCLI seeks to improve the quality of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education for all undergraduate students.  No limits on number of proposals per organization  Cost sharing – not required  Letters of Intent – Not applicable  Deadlines: Phase 2 and 3 proposals are due Jan 12, 09  Website:

National Endowment for the Arts Learning in the Arts for Children and Youth Projects that help children and youth (5-18) acquire knowledge, skills, & understanding of the arts consistent with national, state, and local arts education standards.  May take place in school-based or community-based setting or at IHEs if targeted to children/youth 5-18 yrs.  Must provide participatory learning and engage students with skilled artists, teachers and excellent art.  Deadline: possibly June 2009 (to be confirmed by program officer)  Website:

U.S. Department of Education Migrant Education Even Start  Projects that break the cycle of poverty & improve the literacy of migrant families by integrating early childhood education, adult literacy, and parenting education into a unified family literacy program.  FY’06 Award amounts: $150,000 - $500,000 per year  Project Period: 48 months  Deadline: next grant cycle will be in 2010  Website:

Other Promising Federal and Private Foundation Grant Possibilities Federal:  Environmental Protection Agency. Environmental Education  Website: Private:  American Honda Foundation. Projects that support youth, STEM, and environmental education improvement  Website:  Compton Foundation. Peace & Security, Environment & Sustainability, & Population & Reproductive Health  Website:  PepsiCo Foundation. Global Health, Environment & Global Inclusion  Website:

Other Promising Federal and Private Foundation Grant Possibilities Private:  Barbara Bush Foundation. Family literacy  Website:  RGK Foundation. Education, Community, & Medicine/Health  Website:  Mailman Family Foundation. Early care & education, Families and moral education  Website:  Staples Foundation. Education Improvement  Website:

Other Promising Federal and Private Foundation Grant Possibilities Private:  Foundation for Financial Literacy. Financial literacy education  Website:  Sociological Initiatives Foundation. Research & social action projects, including community-based participatory research  Website:  Educational Foundation of America. Democracy, arts, education and environment  Website:  Nathan Cummings Foundation. Arts & Culture, Environment  Website:

How to Write a Successful Proposal: Part 1  Establish need for and viability of program –existing partnerships – particularly K-12 and community foundations– in narrative and letters of support –campus(es) has or have a large, diverse team to carry out the program activities – in terms of faculty, staff, and students –long term change will be achieved at your institution(s) and communities through the particular grant  Establish strong program elements –Prepare your $budget$ before identifying program elements –Identify roles and responsibilities for all members of the proposal “team” who will implement program on campus  Clearly specify those of program coordinator – the individual who will carry out the “nuts and bolts” of running the program –Any letters of support from school district, community foundation partners and Deans, etc. should be substantive (no boiler plate)

How to Write a Successful Proposal: Part 2  Establish strong evaluation component –Check with your institutional IRB before submittal  Establish PI and institutional credentials –PI (principal investigator) should have experience managing grant funded programs –Institution should have track record in partnerships with K-12 and/or community foundations  Establish evidence of institutional priority, infrastructure and program sustainability –Institution should commit to continuation of some program elements/outcomes –Disseminate program outcomes

Sustainability  Seek private support for grant activities continuation in the first year of your funded program  Explore synergies between the federally funded programs and state and CSU funded programs.

Institutional Infrastructure is Key  You can only be funded (and successfully implement!) under most programs if you have a solid infrastructure in place  Solid infrastructure means: –A programs coordinator who can work with you as PI to implement the day-to-day management of the program –Good support from Chair, Dean, Provost –Good financial management support from your grants and contracts office