How does implementing new Web 2.0 technologies, like wikis,, blogs, and online collaborative writing tools, impact students' writing and online literacy? How does implementing new Web 2.0 technologies, like wikis,, blogs, and online collaborative writing tools, impact students' writing and online literacy? by Jeffrey Ayer Contact Information: John Legend: “If You’re Out There”
Introductions: Introductions: Please share your name and two corners of your name tent Please do the following throughout the presentation: Questions Ask Questions INTERRUPT me own Think about how what I share might fit into your own classroom (no matter the discipline or age level) INTERACT – don’t hesitate to split your attention between me and the computer in front of you (it’s how I got started just one year ago)
Two key underlying questions I considered throughout: Can using online writing opportunities make my students better writers? Can I help my students be more savvy in their use of online resources (from identity security to contributing in an intelligent, responsible, mature manner online) So, how does implementing new Web 2.0 technologies, like wikis,, blogs, and online collaborative writing tools, impact students' writing and online literacy?
Identifying a need: Identifying a need: Why I thought students needed what I offered over the course of the semester My initial findings: The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) added online literacy to its 21 st Century definition of overall literacy Students are using Web 2.0 technologies, but largely for social networking purposes, not collaborative, educational purposes Colleges and universities throughout the country are using Web 2.0 technologies for collaborative purposes
My most useful resource:
Other significant resources: Go to my resource wiki at:
Implementation Plan: Implementation Plan: A semester-long affair A unit-by-unit approach to implementing Web 2.0: Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Macbeth by William Shakespeare Literature circles
Samples of all semester units available: For wiki page samples: For blog entry samples: or
Data Collection Methods: Initial student surveys (to analyze technology experience and online literacy level) Student activities (wiki contributions, wiki creations, blog entries, entries, Google Docs use) Periodic student reflections Scores/participation on wiki and blog Final blog reflection Final survey (mirroring content of initial survey)
Three most significant pieces of data Student reflections Online student writing/collaboration Wiki paragraph responses Wiki page creations Student blog entries Final blog entries Graphs reflecting student scores
What I learned… Students need to be connected fully – time needs to be set aside to ensure all can be successful later Student writing can be impacted by online writing opportunities (there is power in having a large audience and having access to other students’ writing) Collaboration leads to increased motivation and energy
And… Students want these opportunities, but they aren’t nearly as prepared to use such technology as they (or we) might think Community building expands beyond the walls of the classroom as the classroom itself literally expands
Next steps Incorporate blogs all year long next year (in place of journaling) Continue to share with colleagues and staff (also as a technology integrator) Begin a potential blog/publication with a colleague to serve Northwestern Wisconsin and Eastern Minnesota
Continue the journey with me… Click on any of the following to try setting up your own wiki, blog, or account (just three of many possibilities)
Q & A Session Your questions Your name tents have essential questions you posed prior to this presentation… Remember you can me:
Two Closing Questions What have you taken from this seminar that you can apply or implement in your own classroom? What changes would you have to make in your classroom to implement this type of project?
Thanks! Michael Rogers, SMU facilitator To all of you John Legend: “If You’re Out There”