Section 1 Introduction to the French Revolution
Palais de Versailles
Versailles Today
WOD- Bourgeoisie French for Middle Class Made up the top half of the third estate of the Old Regime Consisted of prosperous bankers, merchants, manufacturers, lawyers, doctors, journalists, and professionals.
Three Estates- “Old Regime” First Estate Clergy, owned 15 % of land Paid no taxes Collected Tithes- church taxes 1% of the population Second Estate Nobility Paid few if any taxes Felt pinch of rising prices because they had fixed incomes 2% of population
Third Estate Bourgeoisie Urban Workers, Artisans, and Rural Peasants Upper middle class Resented privileges enjoyed by 1 st and 2 nd estate Free but many owed fees and services since medieval times Rising prices and taxes caused many problems 80 % of pay would go to bread 10% of pay went to tithes
Financial Crisis Deficit Spending- government spends more then it takes in National Debt 7 years war, American Revolution, and extravagant spending Need for tax reform Louis XVI hired Jacques Necker-wanted to reduce spending, reform government Kicked out of office when he said to tax 1 st and 2 nd estate
Political Spectrum RADICALSLIBERALSMODERATESCONSERVATIVESREACTIONARIES -Most extreme change is necessary to fix the problem -Small change is necessary to fix the problems of a society -On the fence -agrees with ideas of conservatives and liberals -Keep things the way they are -NO change necessary!!! -fear the dangers of change -EXTREME conservatives -see negatives of change and want to go back to the good old days PROBLEMS within a society lead to differing views regarding CHANGE!!!
Group Work: 20 points Louis XVI calls the Estates General May 5, 1789 Get into groups of 4 Each member must role play the following roles: First Estate Second Estate Third Estate King Louis XVI How can you solve the problems King Louis has laid out fairly so that everyone is happy!!!? Give a detailed description of your solution and list how each person in the group is satisfied If an agreement can not be reached…the estates must each cast one vote on a proposed idea…3 votes per group…King oversees