Development – Sequence of age-related changes that occur as a person progresses from conception to death. 4 broad periods: 1.) Prenatal Development (between conception and birth) 2.) Childhood 3.) Adolescence 4.) Adulthood
Begins with conception, ends with birth Fertilization creates a zygote- one celled organism resulting from union of sperm and egg ◦ All other body cells develop from this single cell Development is rapid during this period ◦ What would happen if this speed of development continued after birth?
a.) Germinal b.) Embryonic c.) Fetal
Conception – first 2 weeks of life Zygote is created ◦ It becomes a microscopic mass of multiplying cells ◦ Migrates from fallopian tube to uterus On 7 th day – the zygote implants on the uterine wall ◦ Placenta forms during this process ◦ Placenta- Structure allowing oxygen and nutrients to pass into fetus from mother’s bloodstream and bodily wastes to pass out to mother
2 weeks – end of second month Vital organs and bodily systems begin to form ◦ Heart, spine, brain gradually emerge ◦ Arms, legs, hands, feet becoming noticeable Developing organism now called embryo Highly vulnerable period
2 months – birth Organism now called fetus ◦ Capable of physical movement, organs are growing and beginning to function Final 3 months ◦ Brain cells multiply ◦ Respiratory, digestive systems mature
Importance of maternal nutrition ◦ Malnutrition = Effect of drug consumption Tobacco use = Fetal Alcohol Syndrome – Collection of congenital problems associated with excessive alcohol use during pregnancy STD’s
Reality of childhood: orderly, predictable, gradual progression Motor Development- Progression of muscular coordination required for physical activity ◦ Grasping, crawling, running, etc. Older view of Motor Development: ◦ Maturation – development reflects a gradual unfolding of one’s genetic blueprint New View: ◦ Motor abilities develop as result of infants ongoing exploration of own world
Developmental Norms- Typical (Median) age at which individuals display behaviors and abilities. ◦ Important to realize these are group averages Cultural Variations: ◦ Culture we are raised in (environment) can alter how quickly we reach developmental norms as children Ex.) Kipsigis
Attachment- Close emotional bond between infant and caregiver (usually mother) ◦ Attachment is not instantaneous Separation Anxiety- Emotional Distress seen in many infants when they are separated from caregivers ◦ Ex study Explanations for attachment ◦ Behaviorists- ◦ Monkey study- ◦ Biological Explanation-
Mary Ainsworth outlined 3 attachment types between infant and caregiver 1.) Secure attachment – children play and explore comfortably with mom present; upset when she leaves and calm upon return ◦ Mothers are responsive 2.) Anxious- Ambivalent – Anxious when mom is near; protest when she leaves; not particularly comforted upon return 3.) Avoidant- Seek little contact with mothers and not distressed when she leaves These are dependent on role of mother These affect later relationships with others
Jean Piaget Theory: Piaget developed stage theory of how thinking develops in children 4 stages: ◦ 1.) Sensorimotor Stage ◦ 2.) Preoperational Stage ◦ 3.) Concrete Operational Stage ◦ 4.) Formal Operational Stage
1.) Sensorimotor Stage- Birth to age 2 ◦ Children have some symbolic thought by end of period ◦ Children begin to coordinate senses with movement ◦ Towards end of stage: ◦ Object Permanence – Child recognizes that objects continue to exist even when invisible Demo 2.) Preoperational Stage – Age 2- 7 Symbolic thought more fully developed with flaws: ◦ Centration – Focus on only one feature of a problem ◦ Irreversibility – Inability to envision reversing an action ◦ Egocentrism – Limited ability to see other’s viewpoint ◦ Animism – Belief all things are living
3.) Concrete Operational Stage- Age 7 – 11 ◦ Flaws of previous stage corrected: Reversibility, decentration ◦ Conservation – Awareness that physical quantities remain constant in spite of changes in shape or appearance Example conservation task 4.) Formal Operational Stage- 11 – Adulthood ◦ Abstract thought develops ◦ Able to envision hypothetical possibilities related to love, justice free will
Kohlberg Theory of Moral Reasoning When we are younger : ◦ Acts are right or wrong because of rewards or punishment ◦ Laws are finite rules, no exceptions As we become older: ◦ Understand laws are necessary for social order ◦ However, more flexibility in morals
Changes accompanying adolescence: ◦ Growth Spurt ◦ Puberty Secondary sex characteristics – facial hair, muscle growth Primary sex characteristics- structures necessary for reproduction Females begin puberty at earlier age today ◦ Why? Who experiences most emotional difficulty? ◦ Girls maturing early or late? ◦ Boys maturing early or late?
Consensus among experts is that adolescence is not a particularly difficult period. Not all experience storm and stress ◦ However, it is the most common here than all other ages Class thoughts?
Main challenge of adolescence is to form clear sense of identity People experiment with identities ◦ Examples Make decisions about how present selves to world ◦ Fashion, interests, facebook wall
As people get older, tend to decline in: ◦ Extroversion, neuroticism, openness in experience As people get older, tend to increase in: ◦ Agreeableness Question of Midlife Crisis ◦ Debate whether this turbulent period of doubt and reappraisal of one’s life is typical ◦ What does research suggest?
Transitions in Family Life ◦ % postponing marriage to lage 20’s/early thirties is increasing Why? Adjusting to Marriage ◦ Difficulties may arise from substantial differences in role expectations Adjusting to Parenthood ◦ # choosing to remain childless increasing ◦ Vast majority still have children, though ◦ New child can disrupt routines, and lead to postpartum distress ◦ Research on marital satisfaction for couples with children:
Adjusting to the empty nest Empty nest- when children leave the home ◦ Most adjust effectively ◦ When do problems arise? Age-Related Changes ◦ Hair grays, hairline recedes, baldness ◦ Proportion of body fat increases, visual acuity declines ◦ Hearing sensitivity declines ◦ Women reach menopause ◦ Memory loss is moderate ◦ Speed in problem solving and information processing declines
Erik Erikson believed we progress through 8 stages during life. He felt we must resolve a crisis in each stage 8 stages: ◦ 1.) Trust vs. Mistrust ◦ 2.) Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt ◦ 3.) Initiative vs. Guilt ◦ 4.) Industry vs. Inferiority ◦ 5.) Identity vs. Role Confusion ◦ 6.) Intimacy vs. Isolation ◦ 7.) Generativity vs. Self-Absorption ◦ 8.) Integrity vs. Despair
1.) Trust vs. Mistrust (to age 1) ◦ Are our needs met from adults caring for us? 2.) Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (2-3) ◦ Is child able to take some personal responsibility for feeding, dressing? 3.) Initiative vs. Guilt (3-6) ◦ Is child able to function socially in families? 4.) Industry vs. Inferiority (6- puberty) ◦ Can child function socially in school and neighborhood?
5.) Identity vs. Role Confusion- Adolescence ◦ Does adolescent find sense of self? 6.) Intimacy vs. Isolation – early adulthood ◦ Does individual find capacity to share intimacy with others? 7.) Generativity vs. Self-Absorption- middle adulthood ◦ Does individual show concern for future generation? 8.) Integrity vs. Despair – Retirement years ◦ Does individual find meaning from life or bitterly dwell on past?