Bell Ringer Do you think girls mature EMOTIONALLY faster than boys? What examples do you see in school support your opinion?
Adolescence: Stages of Development 1.Physical Development 2.Social Development 3.Identity Formation Chapter 11: pages
Physical Development With the exception of infancy, the physical changes in adolescence are greater than any other time in life. –Adolescent growth spurt: –Sexual Development: Developmental differences in boys and girls: Advantages and disadvantages over reaching puberty earlier: –Brain development: see handout
Social Development While physical changes in adolescents have effect of their activity levels, mood swings, and aggressive tendencies, cultural and social influence have more of an effect on behavior. Most changes are positive. –How long does adolescence last? –Relationships with parents: What types of conflicts do teens have with parents? Why do teens typically have the same opinions as their parents on “bigger” issues like politics, money, and religion? Are teens typically closer with the moms or dads?
Social Development Peers become _____ important than parents during adolescence. –What types of qualities do adolescents look for in friendships? –What are cliques? What are some cliques in this school? –How often do peers influence friends in negative ways? –Dating:
Identity Formation: table pg 263 Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development* Identity Moratorium Identify Foreclosure Identity Diffusion Identity Achievement
Conflict in Adolescence Eating disorders Substance Abuse Sexuality Juvenile Delinquency: What factors contribute juvenile delinquency? Essential Question: What types of programs that help teens deal with these issues work best?
Girls vs. Boys 1.Divide in groups of boys and girls. 2.Each person take a turn reading the question you wrote on your Brain handout to the group. 3.Work together to finalize 5 of the most interesting questions you want to ask the opposite group and write them on poster paper. 4.Pick 5 spokeswomen or men to read the question out loud.