1-Sm’s First Grade Class
About Me Education Council Rock K-12 Towson University * Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education * Student taught 1st, 3rd, and 4 th grades Temple University * Master’s Degree in Education and Curriculum Design Work Experience Dance Choreographer (ages 5-18) Summer Tutoring (K, 1 st, and 2 nd ) ELL Teacher’s Assistant Kindergarten Teacher 2006 – current First Grade Teacher Zumba Fitness Instructor
Daily Schedule 9:10 – 9:45 Attendance, lunch count, morning practice, Pledge of Allegiance, morning meeting/message, sharing, calendar 9:45 – 10:45 Writing 10:45 – 11:00 Recess 11:00 – 11:15 Snack 11:15 – 12:00 Math 12:00 – 1:00 Recess/Lunch 1:00 – 2:05 Language Arts (Reading, Literacy Centers) 2:05 – 2:45 Special (Music, Library, Art, Gym, Computers) 2:45 – 3:30 Language Arts, Science, or Social Studies 3:30 – 3:40 Pack up 3:40 Dismissal
Language Arts Morning message Word Study (Word Wall Words) * Writers’ workshop (Kid Writing-inventive spelling) (5 Writing Domains) * Whole group Guided Reading (Leveled Books in small groups) Centers Author Studies* *Can be found on my website.
Guided Reading 4-5 students per group Grouped by level, strategies used, interests minutes with the teacher 1. Re-reading 2. New Book 3. Word Study/Skill Practice 4. Read alone or with a partner
Literacy Centers 4-5 days a week 30 – 40 minutes Goals: Independence Self Motivation Practice Skills Social Skills Teacher time with small groups
Literacy Center Activities Pocket Chart Independent Silent Reading Writing Art Word Study Listening Book Clubs Smart board *Activities change weekly/monthly * 4-5 students at each center * Choices
Literacy Continuum Literacy Continuum for First Grade Developmental Reading Assessment: Independent Reading Level Beginning of first grade benchmark May/June benchmark A Oct./Nov. X Feb. x May./June x All children develop at different times Age and birth date can play a role in level Word accuracy, comprehension, and fluency are used to determine the level
Math Numbers to 12 and graphing Addition and subtraction strategies Addition and subtraction concepts Facts and strategies to 12 Geometry and fractions More fact strategies Numbers to 60 and counting patterns Place value Money Telling time Measurement Facts and strategies to 18 Two-digit addition and subtraction Scott Foresman Addison Wesley with TERC investigations
Science Air and Weather Balance and Motion Life Cycles Sea Creature Research Project About My World Going to school Good citizens The land around us All about people Jobs people do Social Studies
Monday: Wordy Study Tuesday: Reading or Skill Review Wednesday: Math Thursday: Book in a Bag/Reading Log (leveled reading) *10 – 15 minutes per night * If your child finishes early, practice flashcards or play ane ducational game on the computer. * Sign the homework book every night * Always use a pencil * The homework might change, so check my website HOMEWORK IS NOT WORTH TEARS….
Our Classroom Rules (Created by the Students) Respect your teachers, friends, and school property Keep your hands and feet to yourself Listen while others are talking. Raise your hand if you want to speak.
Incentives 1.Class Compliment Goal * Goal: 10 * Group Reward 2. Hip Hoppin’ Notes * Individual Reward * Behavior and Academics
Behavior Plan 2 Warnings (frog is moved to yellow lily and then to orange lily) The 3 rd warning means the student goes to our “Positive Pad.” If your child goes to the positive pad you will be notified with a small note. Please sign it and return it. Warnings after that might result in loss of recess, a call home, behavior contract, etc. (Any of these action plans may occur earlier depending on the situation). *Sometimes the “Positive Pad” is used as a safe place a student may sit if he/she needs time alone (tears, bad day, frustrated, etc.)
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Taken in November Whole group assessment (seats are separated) Instructions and directions are read by the teacher 3 days (about two 40 minute sections each day) Verbal, Quantitative, Non-verbal Scores will be sent in January
Once a month Given out on a Monday and Due Friday Checks Only! Cut out order form Put checks and order form in an envelope labeled Scholastic Book Order Books arrive in 1-2 weeks Books will sometimes be out of stock Your orders award bonus points for our classroom
Volunteering HR Parents: Lori Preston and Stephanie Kavanagh Writing Workshop Classroom Celebrations School Functions PTO activities
Communication 1.** 2.Front Office 3.Voic 4.Notes Going Green!!!!! Distribution List Grade Level website Classroom website
Procedures Attendance-Attendance is taken daily at 9:10. If your child arrives after that, a late pass must be obtained at the security office when he or she is signed in. Excuse notes are required for tardiness as well as absences. Birthdays-To celebrate your child’s birthday, you may send in a treat for your child to share with the class. A note will go home as your child’s month arrives.. Vacation- Work will be completed upon your return. A journal will be sent with the student if they miss a few days. Star of the week – On the Friday before the week you will receive a note telling you your child will be star. Please help your child choose a small item to share with the class and a favorite picture book. Snack-Pack a healthy snack each day. Dismissal-Remember to send in a note if your child is going to be a car rider.
A Typical First Grader Physical Easily tires; frequent illnesses Enjoys plying outdoor games/gym Benefits from frequent active movements *Tying shoes is an essential part of your child’s gross motor skills Social Follows peers Competitive; enthusiastic Likes to please Any failure is hard; thrives on encouragement Easily upset when hurt Friends are important, but teasing happens Language Likes to talk about themselves; show and tell is useful Loves jokes and guessing games Boisterous and enthusiastic language Complains (belly ache, tired, cuts, etc.) Cognitive Loves to ask questions Likes new games; ideas Enjoys process more than product Learns best through discovery
UNITY I dreamed I stood in a studio And watched two sculptors there. The clay they used was a young child’s mind And they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher- the tools she used Were books, music, and art. The other, a parent, worked with a guiding hand, And a gentle, loving heart. Day after day, the teacher taught what she knew Reading and how to care. While the parent took part in what happened at school And polished what was learned there. And at last, they knew their task was done, They were proud of what they wrought. For the child and learner they had molded Could neither be sold nor bought. And each agreed they would have failed If each had worked alone. For behind the parent stood the school And behind the teacher, the home.
Don’t leave without… Signing up for a November Conference day/time (November 23rd, 24th, and 25th) Signing up to be in the Homeroom Parent drawing (will be announced tomorrow) Writing on the index card if you have a question for me (please put it in the basket on the front table)