Puberty - Part I Kelli Jernigan
What is PUBERTY?
Apart from the first year of your lives the most growing that you do happens during puberty. All of a sudden, most of you seem to be growing out of clothes and shoes at an alarming rate as you go into a full-on growth spurt.
Do your feet and hands seem to be in different places all the time? Have you turned into an eating machine? Do you get weird pains in strange places? Do your moods change from one minute to the next? Do your hair and skin get greasy? Does your body seem to be doing its own thing? Is your mind working overtime trying to deal with all the changes?
Puberty happens to EVERYONE. No matter your race, ethnicity, religion Puberty happens to EVERYONE! No matter your race, ethnicity, religion. Everyone goes through it!
A gland at the base of your brain sends messages to your sex organs to trigger the onset of puberty. Males = Testicles Females = Ovaries
Let’s learn more about the bodily changes that occur during puberty!
The ovaries and testes produce hormones that signal them to start working. This can happen in girls as young as 8, and boys as young as 9.
OVARIES Contains eggs since you were born Once hormones reach ovaries, another hormone is made = ESTROGEN Both hormones together start to prepare girls for pregnancy through her PERIOD or monthly cycle.
Monthly Cycle
GIRLS Growth of pubic hair, development of breasts, widening of hips, hair growth under arms and on legs. Vaginal discharge Menstrual period
TESTICLES Two egg-shaped glands in the scrotum Makes sperm and a hormone called TESTOSTERONE
BOYS Shoulders widen, hair growth on pubic area and face, voice deepens, testes and penis enlarge, and testes begin to produce sperm. Spontaneous erections Nocturnal emissions
BOTH Sweat glands become more active Growth spurts/Growing pains More clumsy, less skilled Mood swings Acne
REVIEW What is puberty? How is it triggered? What are the sex organs for males and females? List the changes for males and females.
Everyone is different. This means that everyone does not develop the same way or at the same rate.
Girls usually begin and complete puberty about 1-2 years before boys.
Girls can start puberty around age 8 and usually end while still a teenager.......
.....BUT boys can start anywhere from 9-13 and may not end until they are in their 20’s!!!
Since everyone matures at different rates, there are three categories you could fall in: Early maturing Average maturing Late maturing
Average maturing children are less self-conscious and worry less about development rates compared to their peers. But, let’s learn about the other stages....
Early Maturing Male Has an athletic advantage Recognized socially Given leadership roles Treated by adults as mature and capable
Late Maturing Male Less athletic Smaller than girls Self-conscious Over compensates Suffers socially
Early Maturing Female Disadvantaged in elementary school Advantaged in middle school Attracts attention of older boys Envied by other girls Thought by adults to be “growing up too fast”
Late Maturing Females Socially disadvantaged Overlooked Less likely to be criticized by adults Begins dating later Fewer problems with drugs and alcohol
It does not matter when you “start” maturing, all end up at the same point. Late maturers WILL catch up to early maturers.
REVIEW Explain aspects of early and late maturing males. Explain aspects of average maturing children.