Web Design
Course Description
This course is designed to Provide the necessary skills and training –for an entry level position in the field of Web Design
The class will focus on Web page planning Basic design, Layout and construction (effective and ineffective) Setup and maintenance of a web site HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, And various web page and image creation tools.
This course is taught in a PC environment And all skills are transferable to Macintosh.
Purpose of the Class
Primary Goal To provide instruction for and about e-commerce and Internet communications through the use of Web Page Design
Students learn The basics of web design principles Digital media options Web design language (HTML) Internet uses and processes Design considerations The impact of target market demographics, deliverables And multiple software packages
Further Courses such as this provide the impetus for students to successfully complete college programs in one of several business areas.
Students learn to use computers as tools along with related software
In addition They learn –to make decisions –to produce professional documents –to communicate via the Internet –and to research topics utilizing libraries around the world
Benefits for Students
Benefits Business, marketing and multimedia design education programs and services provide the following benefits for students:
Interpersonal, teamwork, and leadership skills necessary to function in multi-cultural business settings
Select and apply the tools of technology as they relate to personal and business decision making
Career awareness and related skills to enable students to make viable career choices and become employable in a variety of business careers
Communicate effectively as writers, listeners, and speakers in social and business settings
Ability to participate in business transactions in both the domestic and international arenas
Achievement Expectations
Outcomes Upon completion of the Web Page Design course, the student will be able to:
Define terms associated with World Wide Web and the hypertext markup language.
Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the internet including the various tools utilized: Browsers clients, FTP clients Compression utilities Newsreaders And search utilities.
Demonstrate an understanding of the basic web page design principles.
Demonstrate awareness of design considerations that affect web page construction including audience, browser version, and cross platform issues.
Demonstrate knowledge of how to design and create effective and structured web pages using HTML and FLASH.
What is Needed by the Student?
What is Needed for this Class? Digital storage device –Thumb / Flash drive – the best choice
Needed… 3-Ring Binder –Could use a regular binder through the term –But you need a very nice binder for final Portfolio One with a front display sleeve is nicest
Needed A CD(R) at end of term –For making a good copy of your portfolio at the end of the year –Could substitute the thumb or flash drive But it is best to have both formats
Daily Bring writing devices to class (pen, pencil) Bring the storage device –Back it up regularly!!! –Many students pay a high price for not doing this!!!!!!
Course Outline What to Expect
Topics Will Include: The Internet and the World Wide Web Navigation Tools Design Considerations Copyright & Fair Use Laws Site Authenticity Design Principles Software –Publisher –NVU –HTML –Dream Weaver –Creative Suite
Intermediate Group Move into more advanced web design concepts Work on more powerful designs Work as a design team to build a group page More to come….
Class Rules
Results depend upon Input What you get out of the class is a direct result of what you put into it…
Avoid GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out
Instead, Achieve another type of GIGO Greatness IN Greatness OUT