Assessment (Midterm /Finals) In-class Participation15 %Homework15%Quizzes20% Project10%Test40% Grade 3
Tests and Quizzes For the midterm test and final test the students will be writing the Unit Exams for Treasures We will also be giving quizzes every 2 or 3 themes The students will be observed and assessed during class time for participation and speaking fluency
Tests and Quizzes For the midterm test and final test the students will be writing the Unit Exams for Treasures We will also be giving quizzes every 2 or 3 themes The students will be observed and assessed during class time for participation and speaking fluency
Please Remember!!! remember not only Please remember that the purpose of tests and quizzes is not only about scores
Please Remember!!! remember not only Please remember that the purpose of tests and quizzes is not only about scores Second language test scores do not always show a student’s true ability to use or understand a language
Please Remember!!! remember not only Please remember that the purpose of tests and quizzes is not only about scores Second language test scores do not always show a student’s true ability to use or understand a language Tests are tools to allow us to show our students’ progress and help them to succeed!
Writing… Writing… WRITING!!! There will be 2 Daily Writing Prompts/ Week -The students will be expected to write a little every day based on a writing prompt given each Monday and Wednesday - This writing is not corrected with the hope of encouraging students to simply write freely without worry of being incorrect
Morning Message Week 2 Imagine you are an animal we talked about this week. Write how you will eat, drink, get warm, clean yourself, and where you will rest. Write 5~ 8 sentences.
writing… Writing… WRITING!!! There will be 2 Daily Writing Prompts/ Week - The students will be expected to write a little every day based on a writing prompt given each Monday and Wednesday - This writing is not corrected with the hope of encouraging students to simply write freely without worry of being incorrect End of Theme topic writing - The end of theme writing prompts are a very useful tool to expose the students to the many forms of writing that exist: expository writing, biographies, newspaper articles, etc… - We will discuss and brainstorm ideas and develop the writing work in class before creating a final work.
Allow time - Help your child spend time thinking about a writing project or exercise. Good writers often spend a lot of time thinking, preparing, and researching before starting to write. Respond to your child's writing - Respond to the ideas your child expresses verbally or in writing. Make it clear that you are interested in what the writing conveys, which means focusing on "what" the child has written rather than "how" it was written Praise your child's writing - Take a positive approach and find good things to say about your child's writing. Is it accurate? Descriptive? Original? Creative? Thoughtful? Interesting? Avoid writing for your child - Don't write a paper for your child, and don't rewrite your child's work. Meeting a writing deadline, taking responsibility for the finished product are also important parts of the writing process.
Help your child with writing - Ask your child questions that will help to clarify the details of stories and assignments as they get longer, and help organize their thoughts. Discuss the objective of that writing assignment. Provide your child with spelling help - Our job is to encourage our children's writing so keep practicing, and model the correct spelling of words when you write. Keep a handy dictionary. Practice, practice, practice - Writing well takes lots of practice, so make sure your child doesn't get discouraged too easily. Give opportunities to practice so that there are opportunities to improve. Read together - Reading and writing support each other. The more your child does of each, the better she will be at both.
This semester we will cover the following lessons in English: Multiplication by 10’s Volume - Liters and Milliliters Time Area 3 Digit Division Mass – Kilograms and Grams Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Relationship of Multiplication and Division Decimals Understanding Charts and Tables
When possible, we will use Brainpop presentations to introduce and present a topic and provide further practice to the concept through online quizzes as a game. Math English classes can present extra challenges because they must learn the specific content vocabulary and expressions, along with their second language acquisition.
When possible, we will use Brainpop presentations to introduce and present a topic and provide further practice to the concept through online quizzes as a game.
Please prepare a pencil case with pencils and erasers, colour pencils, a red pen, a ruler, a highlighter marker and glue. Some parents may need to replace them frequently! Review what is already taught in class and also preview the content for the upcoming week Have your child read to you and find books at the library about the same topic Encourage your child to write and give out suggestions if asked or needed. SOME WAYS TO HELP
Review the story, spelling, sentence patterns, and find the Chinese for vocabulary. Use an English dictionary to find the word and write a sentence for it. Please check your child’s homework and sign your name at the bottom of the page Read with your child and help them to complete the homework as best as possible EXTRA PRACTICE ONLINE Go online to use the Treasures Resources: How Can You Help?
Afterschool Classes Can Help! Grade 3 Afterschool Treasures Homework and Review Class Students will complete their English homework in class This small group class can give your child the one-to-one attention they need to review the week’s topic in a fun and relaxed setting If you are concerned about your child’s English abilities, or if they are shy and need to build some confidence, I highly recommend they join this class
Afterschool Classes Can Help! (Wed,Fri) Grade 3 Afterschool Treasures Homework and Review Class Students will complete their English homework in class This small group class can give your child the one-to-one attention they need to review the week’s topic in a fun and relaxed setting If you are concerned about your child’s English abilities, or if they are shy and need to build some confidence, I highly recommend they join this class Grade 3 Afterschool Treasures Cross-Subject Extension Class For average and advanced students who would benefit from studying other subjects and develop their skills further in a small group setting On one day, the students will do hands on projects, group activities, and discussions based on the Treasures Social Studies and Science materials On the other day, the students will focus on language arts and develop deeper skills in grammar, listening, reading, and writing using projects and language centers
More English Activities Festive teaching: Mother's Day English morning broadcast English Weekly Sentence Thursday Assembly - Flag ceremony speech Academic Competition – Story Telling
Questions? Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have any concerns or questions Call me in the classroom or contact me by News in the English Language Centre website Thank You!!!