Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete Operational Formal Operational
Growth spurt Secondary Sex Characteristics (Chest, Hips, Body Hair) Primary Sex Characteristics (Menarche)
Early boys may have advantage Early girls may be at disadvantage Early bloomers more drug/alcohol experiment, trouble with law Early girls, late boys more psych/social problems Late bloomers feel inferior, sensitive to differences
Growth spurt Secondary Sex Characteristics (Body Hair, Deeper Voice) Primary Sex Characteristics (Spermarche)
Hypothetical Abstract Introspection Rationalization Idealistic / Messianic Complex
Hall – Storm & Stress, Theory of Recapitulation Lewin – Marginal Man Havighurst – Stress minimal, gradually move through developmental tasks
In this stage a person learns to master skills and take pride in his/her competence. Initiative vs Guilt
In this stage a person tries to develop a sense of individuality while still fitting in with friends. Identity vs role confusion
In this stage a person my be involved in teaching the younger generation or working at some task worthwhile for society. Generativity vs stagnation
If one suffers from a series of fixations in earlier stages he suffers the sense of wasted life. Integrity vs despair
During this stage a person develops faith in the future Trust vs mistrust
In this stage a person learns self control and assertion. Autonomy vs doubt
Too much criticism in this stage can lead to long-term feelings of inferiority. Industry vs inferiority
Failure at this stage will cause a person to avoid close relationships even though they may be involved in long-term relationships. Intimacy v isolation
Struggle through identity crisis See self as distinct person Have a feeling of wholeness Continuity of self over time Way you see you is way others see you
Sexual Orientation Vocational Direction Set of Values/ Ideals Decision making pd / active exploration (crisis) Allegiance to decision (commitment)
Diffused Foreclosed Moratorium Achieved
Have not explored options or committed to any future decisions diffused
In active search of future options but nothing set in stone moratorium
Have made decision for future after lengthy exploration of options. achieved
Committed to future without exploring alternatives foreclosed
Authoritarian Authoritative Permissive - indulgent Permissive - neglectful
Parents who hold no expectations and provide no support for children Permissive - neglectful
Parents who hold high expectations but provide no support for children Authoritarian
Parents who demand little responsibility from kids but are super supportive of everything they do! Permissive indulgent
Parents who set expectations but help support kids along the way authoritative
Peers Parents Ethnicity/Race Gender Crisis Resolution Society
Cliques dvp gender and sex identity Foster conformity Positive / Negative Peer Pressure
Peek ages IQ increases Physical peak – strength/reflexes Intimacy v Isolation Trying 20s Age 30 Crisis
Hair, Skin, Muscle Changes Sensations Decline Menopause Decline reaction time Empty nest syndrome Generativity v Stagnation Midlife Transition Midlife Crisis
Decline muscle / sensory Health problems (diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, heart disease) Memory loss (dementia, alzheimers) Retirement Widowhood Integrity v Despair Ageism
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
15 Questions Reviewing Prenatal-Early Childhood Dvpt (including Piaget & Kohlberg) ~ 35 Multiple Choice/Matching Questions 2 Short Answers (Will have choice)