Lesson 2: Simple Machines Chapter 12 Lesson 2: Simple Machines
Types of Simple Machines A simple machine is a machine that does work with only one movement of the machine. There are six types of simple machines: lever, pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane, screw and wedge.
Lever Lever a bar that is free to pivot about a fixed point, or fulcrum “Give me a place to stand and I will move the Earth.” – Archimedes Engraving from Mechanics Magazine, London, 1824 Effort arm Resistance arm Fulcrum
Lever First Class Lever can increase force, distance, or neither changes direction of force
Lever Second Class Lever always increases force
Lever Third Class Levers always increases distance
Pulley Pulley grooved wheel with a rope or chain running along the groove a “flexible first-class lever” F F E L
Wheel and Axle Wheel and Axle two wheels of different sizes that rotate together a pair of “rotating levers” Wheel Axle
Wheel and Axle input force is applied to the wheel, output force exerted by the axle. Ex: Doorknobs, screwdrivers, faucet handles
Inclined Plane Inclined Plane Slanted surface used to raise objects h
Screw Screw inclined plane wrapped in a spiral around a cylinder
Wedge Wedge a moving inclined plane with 1 or 2 sloping sides
Wedge Zipper 2 lower wedges push teeth together 1 upper wedge pushes teeth apart
Ideal Mechanical Advantage (IMA) frictionless machine MA greater than 1 increases force MA = output force = input distance input force output distance