By: Kevin C. Powers
Different than Elementary/Preschool Attitudes Cognitive thinking Responses Different than Retirement/Nursing Home Ending of life Reflection on life Achievements or regrets
Vernon Children’s Home: Different by: 1.Communication 2.Maturity 3.Learning Same: 1.Special needs children in classrooms 2.Special needs children: given opportunity to receive diploma or certificate of achievement/attendance
A. Adolescence Stage Teen years to 20’s Identity vs. role confusion Trying different roles Forming identity Identity Statuses: 1.Identity Diffusion: Crisis-little serious thought given to occupation, gender roles, values Characteristics-no self-directed, low self-esteem, alienated from parents 2.Foreclosure: Crisis-may never suffer doubts about identity issues Characteristics-closed minded, authoritarian, problems with solving problems under stress 3.Moratorium: Crisis-has given some thought to identity related questions Characteristics-anxious, dissatisfied by school, short-lived relationships 4.Identity achievement: Crisis-has considered and explored alternative positions regarding occupations, gender roles, values Characteristics-logical problem solving solutions, likely to form close interpersonal relationships
Conventional Morality Early teen years Stage 3: Good boy-nice girl orientation Stage 4: Law-and-order orientation Postconventional Morality Late Teen Years to end of Life Stage 5: Social contracts orientation (respects for other cultures, values, etc.) Stage 6: Universal ethical principle orientation
Formal Operational Eleven years and older form hypothesizes Solve problems systematically Able to deal with abstractions
Morality of Cooperation Moral relativism Aware of different viewpoints regarding rules Believes rules are flexible Believes moral wrongness in terms of violation of spirit of cooperation Believes punishment should involve either restitution or suffering the same fate as one’s victim
1. Most students reach physical maturity, and virtually all attain puberty. 2. Many adolescents become sexually active, although the long-term trend is down
1. Parents and other adults are likely to influence long-range plans; peers are likely to influence immediate status. 2. Girls experience greater anxiety about friendships than boys do. 3. Many high school students are employed after high school.
1. Many psychiatric disorders (eating disorders, substance abuse, depression, suicide, etc.) either appear or become prominent during adolescence. 2. The most common emotional disorder during adolescence is depression. 3. If depression becomes severe, suicide could be contemplated.
1. High school students become increasingly capable of engaging in formal thought, but they may not use this capability. 2. Between the ages of twelve and sixteen, political thinking becomes more abstract, liberal, and knowledgeable.
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Why would I show these videos? To not show boring history, to show history that should be interesting and exciting For Psychology? ▪ To show that people like Nixon and presidents that might come, that their perspective of what they did was never illegal. ▪ Exact line: "When the President does it, that means that it's not illegal." ▪ Another: “I have made so many bad judgments. The worst ones was mistakes of the heart not the head as I’ve point out, but let me say a man in that top job, he’s got to have a heart, but his head must always rule his heart.”
Game Time!!!! l
Merry Christmas!!!!!! Watch and listen carefully to this song, Please. If you start to cry, you can leave. NbXYkBik&feature=related NbXYkBik&feature=related DQ&feature=fvw DQ&feature=fvw