The Role of the Centre for Teaching & Learning in Supporting New Faculty Dr Mary Fitzpatrick Regional Teaching and Learning Advocate
To encourage and facilitate excellence in teaching and learning through: helping to ensure that effective teaching is valued, supported and developed enhancing the learning and development experience for both teachers and students encouraging scholarship, research and innovation in teaching and learning Aim of the CTL
Faculty development and support Student support Research & Innovation Evaluation, feedback and recognition Role of CTL in enhancing teaching and learning
Services Faculty Development –Writers’ retreat –Academic Writing support –Specialist Diploma in Teaching, Learning and Scholarship –Technology enhanced learning support –Peer observation –Teaching Analysis –Conversations in the Consortium series –Portfolio development
Services Evaluation, feedback and recognition Formative teaching evaluation (SETs, focus groups) Award system (local, regional and national)
Services Student support First Seven Weeks F7W app Study skills strategy workshops Student feedback, needs and priority analysis Regional Writing Centre
Services: Research and innovation Teaching innovation initiatives: Learning management system (Sulis) Anti-plagiarism initiatives Other (content creation, new tools, etc.) NDLR (National Digital Learning Repository) over 25,000 Open Educational Resources (OERs) for teaching and learning Broadening the Curriculum
Team Maura Murphy –Manager Karen McGrath –Senior Administrator Dr Angelica Risquez –Teaching Innovation & Enhancement Advocate Dr Mary Fitzpatrick –Regional Teaching and Learning Advocate Dr Ide O’Sullivan –Writing Consultant Lawrence Cleary –Writing Consultant Dr Ann Marcus-Quinn –NDLR Service Administrator Aisling Dundon –NDLR PR Co-ordinator Yvonne Diggins –Communication & Collaboration Coordinator/Webmaster
Location Millstream Courtyard Building (MC1-014 to MC1-019)
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