"Your Grace Is Enough" Great is Your faithfulness oh God You wrestle with the sinner's heart You lead us by still waters and to mercy And nothing can keep us apart
So remember Your people Remember Your children Remember Your promise Oh God
Your grace is enough Your grace is enough for me
Great is Your love and justice God You use the weak to lead the strong You lead us in the song of Your salvation And all Your people sing along
So remember Your people Remember Your children Remember Your promise Oh God
Your grace is enough Your grace is enough for me (2X)
So remember Your people Remember Your children Remember Your promise Oh God
Your grace is enough Your grace is enough for me
Yeah, Your grace is enough Heaven reaching down to us Your grace is enough for me God I see Your grace is enough I’m covered in Your love Your grace is enough for me For me
Tenth Avenue North There’s a wreckage There’s a fire There’s a weakness in my love There’s a hunger I can’t control Lord, I falter and I fall down Then I hold on to the chains You broke When You came and saved my soul Save my soul Hallelujah we are free to struggle We’re not struggling to be free Your blood bought And makes us children Children drop your chains and sing So why, Lord, do I still fail Do I wear thin Why do I still give in to temptation On my own, I am bankrupt I don’t trust You Or take You at Your word What You’ve promised Hallelujah we are free to struggle We’re not struggling to be free Your blood bought And makes us children Children drop your chains and sing Hallelujah death is overcome And we are breathing Hallelujah our stone hearts become Flesh that’s beating Hallelujah chains have been undone And we are singing Hallelujah the fire has begun Can you feel it (2x) Hallelujah we are free to struggle We’re not struggling to be free Your blood bought And makes us children Children drop your chains and sing
*Tomorrow - Paint Ball -Leave FTC at 9:00; Return at 5:00 -Bring bagged lunch -Bring $ for food on way home and for extra paintballs *This Sunday, 5/18 - Nursing Home -12:30 Pizza in Youth Room -Leave FTC at 1:40 -Return to FTC at 3:00 *Friday, 5/23 - No Youth Group *Friday, 5/30 - Grad Party Announcements
Friday Night Fun Nights *Friday, 6/6: 7-9:30 -Movie Night *Friday, 6/13: 7-9:30 -Manhunt *Friday, 6/20: 7-9:30 -Game Night
Summer Program/VBS Prep *July 14th - August 1st
Summer Missions Trip 2014 The Trip is Closed Next Meeting: 6/20 at 6:00
From Lesson: “Victory in Jesus.” What was the law powerless to do that God did? How did He do it?
From Lesson: “God’s Plan Through Suffering.” Paul says, “What we suffering now is ___________________.”
From Lesson: “Forever His.” Paul says, “If God is for us, who can be against us? He did not ______ His own Son, but ______________ for us all...”
From Lesson: “God’s Plan for Israel.” 1. The phrase “True Israel” was used in this passage. What does that phrase mean? 2. The people of Israel were earnestly seeking favor with God, but didn’t find it. Why?
From Lesson: “Because of His Mercy.” Paul says not to conform to the pattern of the world and to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. How can we be transformed by the renewing of our minds?
From Lesson: “Holy Living.” 1. Your submission to authority is an expression of your _________________. 2. If I rebel against authority I rebel _____________.
From Lesson: “Disputable Matters.” 1. What were the 2 issues and 2 groups of people Paul addresses? 2. No matter what our stance is on certain disputable matters, Paul gives pointers. Name one. (Hint: “Don’t...)
From Lesson: “J-O-Y.” 1. What does each letter stand for? 2. Who was the example Paul gave of someone who bore with weaknesses of others, accepted others, and looked to please his neighbor?
From Lesson: “Closing Remarks.” 1. Paul recognized those who ______ with him in advancing the gospel. 2. Paul warned them to stay away from people who were creating obstacles and divisions by their ______ & ________.