The Work of the Holy Spirit
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: He was involved with many different individuals and groups, depending on the circumstances: > The Tabernacle Artisans: ability – Ex 31 > The Seventy: wisdom – Nu 11 > The Judge, Samson: strength – Judg 13 > The Prophets: inspiration – 2 P 1:20-21
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament: As in the Old Testament, His work is best understood by looking at His relationship with different groups… 1) The apostles 2) Those upon whom the apostles laid hands 3) All Christians (including you and me)
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament 1) His relationship with the apostles They were baptized of the Holy Spirit – Promised: Jn 14:26; 16:13; Ac 1:2,5,8 Fulfilled: Ac 2:4,14,37,43 Manifested by apostolic signs – 2 Co 12:12
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament 2) His relationship with those upon whom the apostles laid their hands They had gifts of the Holy Spirit – Ac 8:14-18; 1 Co 12:1, 8-10 Manifested by the use of those gifts! Why these gifts? Reveal & confirm the Word – He 2:3-4
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament 3) His relationship with all Christians (including you & me) We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit > This refers to relationship, not location Ro 8:11 (vss.1, 9, 10; 1 Jn 4:12-15) > Indwells via the Word, not directly – Ep 6:17 > Manifested by the Fruits of the Spirit – Ga 5:22-23
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament THE APOSTLES – Baptized of the Holy Spirit (manifested by apostolic power) THOSE UPON WHOM APOSTLES LAID HANDS – Gifts of the Holy Spirit (manifested by the ability to perform gifts) ALL CHRISTIANS – Indwelling of the Holy Spirit thru the Word of God (manifested by the fruits of the Spirit)