Prophetic Ministry as the Basis for CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING Donal Dorr
Pope Francis: May 2013: “ I reaffirm here that the ‘trade in people’ is a vile activity, a disgrace to our societies that claim to be civilized!” Pope Francis, Easter 2013: “human trafficking is the most extensive form of slavery in this twenty-first century!” The Popes on TRAFFICKING in Persons: POPE JOHN PAUL II, 2002 “Trade in human persons a shocking offence … & a grave violation of fundamental human rights … an affront to fundamental values”
E.g. Pope Francis has learned from his priests, Sisters, Brothers, and Lay Leaders working among the Poor and Marginalized E.g. Cardinal Műller strongly influenced by Gustavo Gutiérrez and on-the-ground Liberation Theology E.g. Vatican JPIC Cardinal learning from Ecological Activist
E.g. Pope John Paul’s teaching on work, solidarity and struggle for justice springs from his involvement with Polish trade union Solidarność E.g. My involvement in Empowerment programme in the desert in 1975 changed my life. Activist for years, then time out for reflection ….
The Mission of the Church and of Each of Us Start with the Mission of God Sending of Jesus Prior Sending of the Holy Spirit: - in Creation (on-going) - to Humans: Prophetic Inspiration Note God’s initiative in the call of Moses - and of all the prophets
Two qualities of prophetic inspiration: Solidarity with the People But it comes from ‘Beyond’ (Transcendent)
A Share in God’s Breath and Life-Energy Comfort the Afflicted Afflict (challenge) the Comfortable Hope ‘Dabar’ = Word + Action Healing power
THE PROPHETIC MINISTRY OF JESUS Good News to ‘the Poor’ Healing Wonders His Discernment: Calamity? or Hope?
The Early Christians Shared His Prophetic Ministry Guidance from the Spirit Boldness/Courage Wisdom, Understanding, Discernment Comfort, Strength, Patience, Peace Hope and Faith Prayer
THE TRADITION OF PROPHETIC MINISTRY CONTINUES TO THE PRESENT IN OUR CHURCH (and also outside the Church) Foundresses and Founders of Religious Congregations were prophetically inspired We are called to be true to their tradition – and also to re-think what it involves in today’s world
We in the RENATE grouping are a Prophetic Movement in the World We are Inspired to Share the Comforting, Challenging and Life-Giving Ministry of Jesus Others are Attracted to Share this Mission Seed finds Fruitful Soil in the Marginalised A Life-and-Death Struggle - Victory is Transformation of Unjust Structures - Defeat is if We are Infiltrated and Subverted - Likely Outcome: Partial Success, Partial Failure WHERE ARE WE FAILING, WHERE SUCCEEDING?
What is Inspiration? Insight, Vision, Conviction of Truth Action, Commitment, Eagerness Deep Feelings: Wonder, Love, Joy, Hope In the Body: - Dance (Asian and African) - Endurance CREATIVE NEW LIFE
Our Commitment: “By the Grace of God, We Intend: to allow ourselves to experience the gifts and movements of the Spirit within us to respond to the invitation of the Spirit by the way we speak, act, and live to recognize the gifts and movements of the Spirit in others—including non-Christians to share the awareness of the call of the Spirit with those with whom we come in contact.”