Deploy Session 2 – Spiritual Things
Assignment Discussion What did you learn? What was most impactful to you and why?
Objective Gaining a solid understanding of the purposes of spiritual gifting and how God uses them and you to further His Kingdom. Motivating you to discover how you are uniquely gifted and can use these gifts in your own personal ministry to others.
Spiritual Things How would the world define a “spiritual” person? How would you define one?
The Use of Spiritual Gifts 1 Corinthians 12 The Nature of God and His People “Unity in Diversity” Spiritual Gifts - Identifiable graces that the Spirit has given to believers that result in fruitful ministry (common good) to God and His people.
Framework of Spiritual Gifts The Holy Spirit gives us our GIFTS. Jesus gives us our MINISTRY. The Father gives us our DOMAIN. God gives us our PERSONALITY.
Motivation Behind Spiritual Gifts LOVE - 1 Corinthians 13
Questions to Think About Why shouldn’t you compare your giftedness to others? What are the dangers in elevating one gift over another? What keeps you from exploring your giftedness/areas of service? Why is it “dumbing down” the genius of God to not use your gifts?
Making Sense of it All “Discovering your undefined gifts will often come through obeying God’s defined commands.” Where has God placed you? Where do you see spiritual fruit in your life? Where is the Gospel heard/seen through you? Where do you sense that God is being glorified through you?
Application Points What is something new that you learned about God today? What is God telling you to do with this new knowledge? How can what you learned today help you in your daily life?
Complete spiritual gifts assessment from The Chapel website. Finish “Making Sense of it All” assessment sheet. Have two additional assessments filled out by someone close to you. Investigate places you would consider serving. For Next Week…