Deeper Living “Don’t settle for a shack on a foundation meant for a mansion” – Building a home that God would be proud of.
Luke 6: As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. 48 They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.
What’s your home look like?
It starts with a plan God’s Word is our blueprint Deeper living requires a plan What did/do your blueprints look like?
Plans for a building a shack Let life happen to you Have no plan for your spiritual growth Have no plan to ensure your success
Plans for building a mansion Live life intentionally Have a plan for spiritual growth Set in place safeguards to help ensure your success
The building process Our daily decisions drive our actions Our actions shape our lives Our lives define our legacy
Bad home-building practices Isolation from the body Following worldly advice Self-focused activity Cutting Corners
Godly home-building practices Fellowship and engagement with the body Seeking Godly wisdom Serving others Doing things the right way
You get what you pay for Being a disciple comes at a cost…what are you willing to pay? Is Jesus just Savior…or is He Lord? Is your God cheap or is He Priceless?
Shack dwellers Life looks the same as before Christ Words and actions don’t match up Your steps are still determined by you
Mansion dwellers Your life is always looking more like Christ Your life reflects what you profess Jesus is Lord of everything you do
So what does your “home” look like?
Is this you?
Looks can be deceiving
Is God proud of the home you’ve built? Living Deeper means asking the hard questions, and being ready to deal with the answers Seeking to Live Deeper means that your home might need some renovations God gives us a foundation in Christ that is meant for something awesome, don’t settle for building a shack…God deserves better than that!