Tours to the Middle East Making Memories for a Lifetime
Matthew Hone Has ton of experience in the Middle East Owned the company for 8 years Fluent in Arabic and Hebrew Majored in Travel Minored in Middle East studies
TelAviv Is the capital of Israel Created in 1909 Gorgeous beach Very modern Commercial center of Israel
Old Jerusalem One of the Holiest cities in the world Been around for 3000 years Many historical events happened here You can not come to the Middle East and not go to Jerusalem!
Sea of Galilee Located in northern Israel Center of fertile hills and valleys 13 miles long 71/2 miles wide
Masada Located in southern Israel On the shores of the Dead Sea Natural Fortress being feet high Large plateau on top
Giza A rich suburb of Cairo, Egypt Has many pyramids and a sphinx Many pharaohs and queens buried here Sphinx both guards and symbolizes royalty