Beyond Attendance: Building a Connected Class One Day Seminar By Scott Badgett.


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Presentation transcript:

Beyond Attendance: Building a Connected Class One Day Seminar By Scott Badgett

Purpose To determine from scripture how to develop a class that is “connected” and keep it from becoming “fragmented”.

How do you think adults take to public recognition for their attendance and/or lack of attendance? What if you were the person always there (lot’s of stars)? What if you were the person that had a few to no stars? How would you feel? Does the attendance display truly promote unity? Connectedness? Competition?

What does it say about a class as to what is important?

1 Samuel 15:22b …to obey is better than sacrifice… God desires us to have a heart of obedience and not just rote actions.

Group 1 How would you describe a “connected class” (a.k.a. healthy class)? Group 2 How would you describe a “fragmented” or a “disconnected” class (a.k.a. unhealthy class)?

What goes on in a “Connected Class”? Real prayer Sincere Heartfelt Real share time Trusting Open Spending time together outside of class/church In homes For recreation For ministry Go through struggles/hardships together (not alone)

What makes the difference in or what is the make-up of a “Connected Class”? 1)Holy Spirit Matthew 18:20 “Where two or three…” Acts 1:8 “…receive power…” Acts 4:8 Peter became bold when addressing the Jewish leadership. Acts 9:31 “…strengthened and encouraged…”

How else does the Holy Spirit impact relationships, a class, and ministry?

2) Love others as yourself Matthew 22:39 “…love your neighbor as yourself.” Think about others and not just yourself Be accepting of others (ex. Guests) Be open, trustworthy

3) Be focused yet willing to change in order to be obedient Matthew 6:33 “Seek you first the kingdom of God…” Detour – still get to destination, but must overcome obstacles Side trips may enrich the journey

4)Recognize others’ gifts and allow them to minister using that gift (see how each fits into body). 1 Cor. 12:4-11, 12, 26 Different gifts (i.e. spiritual endowment) and same Spirit Different ministries (i.e. service, ministering) and same Lord Different activities (i.e. an effect, operation working) and same God