Life Values This person, Jesus, has asked me to spend all my time doing what He wants. Do I value what He values? If not, this will be tense. His values: People My response: Love Time Hope Truth Faith
Our Values -1 Jesus: People 1. Things don’t last, people do. 2. Every person I meet is God’s messenger to me, and I to them. 3. Everyone is important to God. EVERYONE. Me: Love 1. Set your affection on that which lasts, and you won’t loose it. 2. My reactions to each person reveal my character and values- do they match God’s? 3. Don’t fall for the world’s evaluation of human worth.
Our Values - 2 Jesus:Time Time is a track upon which God places each of us to do our part for His kingdom, then leave our place to another. Me:Hope Time is my opportunity to do my part in passing the Kingdom on, intact, to the next generation, in anticipation of eternal reward.
Time and Hope My use of time: 1.All short-term goals must lead to the long-term goal, which is Jesus’ “Well done”. 2.Despite our best efforts, our short-term goals may fail. However, the long-term goal is safe in Jesus’ hands. Persevere.
Effective Use of Time Combine effective use of time with the importance of people, and each small thing done for another in the Spirit of Christ has a larger significance than it first appears. This is “nurturing”: of little value in our consumer society, but precious in the eyes of God.
Our Values - 3 Jesus:Truth 1.“The world is so full of wonderful things”.. Cherish curiosity as a way of honoring the Creator. 2. “Believe half of what you read and none of what you hear”. 3. Trust God. Not yourself, not “humanity”, not “progress”. Me:Faith 1. Truth DOES exist, and can be known through the revelation of God in His Word. 2. So compare everything you hear with God’s Word- does it stand or fall ? 3.God CAN fix it. He is fixing things now and He has a final fix in store for us.
“God Can Fix It” Mediaeval people said “God will fix it”. This was passiveness. Modern people say “We can fix it”. This is humanism. Post-modern people say “No one can fix it”. This is nihilism.
“God Can Fix It” … and He does, starting here and now, in and through us. Life is neither iron-clad fate nor chaotic cause-and-effect. Our decisions and actions are significant in the outworking of God’s pre-determined plan. Play the hand you are dealt!