Welcome to AS Level Philosophy and Ethics!
Who am I? And more importantly…. Who are you??
. The OCR specification for the study of Philosophy and Ethics builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills that you may have developed through the study of GCSE Religious Studies. It does not, however, assume or require any previous study of the subject. It is designed to support a course of study which is suitable for everyone from any religious background (or none). No prior knowledge of the subject is required. The specification builds on, but do not depend on, the knowledge, understanding and skills specified for GCSE Religious Studies. It is recommended that you have attained communication and literacy skills at a level equivalent to GCSE Grade C in English
Why would you choose Philosophy and Ethics?
You have wondered if there are any explanations as to who we are and what we are doing here and how we should behave! You have ever considered a career in journalism, civil service, police, teaching, medicine, social services or any career where you may be dealing with the general public on a personal level on a daily basis. You enjoy using critical thinking and analytical skills to solve problems and dilemmas. You have a general interest in religion and ethics and enjoy learning what other people think and believe. You have good literary skills and want to use them in a new and challenging way. You are enjoying RE at GCSE level and wish to take it further – AS level Philosophy and Ethics is now one of the most popular choices at KS5 – with good reason! You enjoy discussion and debating moral and philosophical issues. You like to challenge your own beliefs and learn what others think. You have an open mind and would enjoy seeking the “truth!”
So what would you be doing? Philosophy of Religion Ethics
Ethical Theories Natural Law Kantian Ethics Utilitarianism Religious Ethics Applied Ethics Abortion Euthanasia Genetic Engineering War and Peace Unit G572: AS Religious Ethics
Ethics Unit G582: A2 Religious Ethics Meta-ethics Free will and determinism Conscience Virtue ethics Applied ethics topics
Philosophy of Religion Ancient Greek influences on philosophy of religion. Judaeo-Christian influences on philosophy of religion. Traditional arguments for the existence of God. Challenges to religious belief. Unit G571: AS Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy of Religion Religious Language Experience and Religion Nature of God Life and Death Miracles Unit G581: A2 Philosophy of Religion
What will lessons be like? A lot of lessons will be discussion based – so you need to be prepared to think on your feet and be prepared to share your thoughts with others – note making is a MUST. Some lessons you will be researching using textbooks or computers before presenting back to the class A wide variety of media will be used to keep you informed – and hopefully entertained. Copies of powerpoints (if used) can be ed if necessary but this is not a substitute for taking your own notes If you miss a lesson it is your responsibility to get the notes off a classmate.
Types of teaching and learning. We use a variety of teaching and learning styles to meet individual learning needs. Including: –Discussion –Textbook –Research –Academic trips. –Open learning –Essays –Presentations –Group work
Assessment G571: AS Philosophy of Religion You are required to answer two two-part essay questions from a choice of four. 50% of the total AS GCE marks 1.5 h written paper 70 marks Topics and themes in philosophy of religion. G572: AS Religious Ethics You are required to answer two two-part essay questions from a choice of four. 50% of the total AS GCE marks 1.5 h written paper 70 marks Ethical theories and certain topics in practical religious ethics.
You will also be given regular essays as units progress to enable you to develop your essay writing skills and to ensure your understanding of completed work – these will need to be completed by set deadlines.
How would I organise my work? You will be expected to keep a file of notes for both Philosophy and Ethics – a lever arch binder is recommended. Lessons may well be discussion based and you are expected to make your own notes for purposes of revision You will be given handouts and assignments and will be expected to keep these in a safe place for easy reference. Organisation is a KEY SKILL for study at AS/A Level. Your folder will be periodically checked by your teacher so that we are able to report on your progress
Is it better to question the world around you or to accept what you think you know to be true? How do you know what is true?
Any questions please Mrs Collins or Mrs White directly Or call (just don’t expect any straight answers if you want to become a philosopher!)