Multi-Query Optimization Prasan Roy Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay
Overview Multi-Query Optimization: What? –Problem statement Multi-Query Optimization: Why? –Application scenarios Multi-Query Optimization: How? –A cost-based practical approach –Prototyping Multi-Query Optimization On MS SQL-Server at Microsoft Research prototype at IIT-Bombay
Multi-Query Optimization: What? Exploit common subexpressions (CSEs) in query optimization Consider DAG execution plans in addition to tree execution plans
Example A B C B C D Best Plan for A JOIN B JOIN C Best Plan for B JOIN C JOIN D
Example (contd) Alternative: A B C D Common Subexpression
Multi-Query Optimization: Why? Queries on views, nested queries, … Overlapping query batches generated by applications Update expressions for materialized views Query invocations with different parameters... Practical solutions needed!
Multi-Query Optimization: How? Set up the search space –Identify the common subexpressions Explore the search space efficiently –Find the best way to exploit the common subexpressions
Problems Materializing and sharing a CSE not necessarily cheaper Mutually exclusive alternatives (A JOIN B JOIN C) (B JOIN C JOIN D) (B JOIN C JOIN D) (C JOIN D JOIN E) (C JOIN D JOIN E) (B JOIN C)(C JOIN D) What to share: (B JOIN C) or (C JOIN D) ? Huge search space!
Earlier Work: Practical Solutions As early as 1976 Preprocess query before optimization [Hall, IBM-JRD76] As late as 1998 Postprocess optimized plans [Subramanium and Venkataraman, SIGMOD98] Query optimizer is not aware!
Earlier Work: Theoretical Studies [Sellis, TODS88], [Cosar et al., CIKM93], [Shim et al., DKE94],... Set of queries {Q1, Q2, …, Qn} For each query Qi, set of execution plans {Pi1, Pi2, …, Pim} Pij is a set of tasks from a common pool Pick a plan for each query such that the cost of tasks in the union is minimized Not integrated with existing optimizers, no practical study
Microsoft Experience with Paul Larson, Microsoft Research
Prototyping MQO on SQL-Server Add multi-query optimization capability to SQL-Server Well integrated with the existing optimization framework –another optimization level –minimal changes, minimal extra lines of code First cut: exhaustive –How slow can it be? A working prototype by the summer-end
What (almost) already exists in the SQL-Server Optimizer AND/OR Query-DAG representation of plan space Group (OR node) A B CD Op (AND node)
What actually exists in the SQL-Server Optimizer Relations cloned for each use A B1 C1 D B2 C2
Preprocessing Step: Query-DAG Unification Performed in a bottom-up traversal A B1 C1 D B2 C2
Common Subexpression Identification Unified nodes are CSEs Common Subexpression A B CD
Exploring the Search Space: A Naïve Algorithm For each set S of common subexpressions –materialize each node in S –MatCost(S) = sum of materialization costs of the nodes in S –invoke optimizer to find the best plan for the root and for each node S –CompCost(S) = sum of costs of above plans –Cost(S) = MatCost(S) + CompCost(S) Pick S with the minimum Cost
Doing Better: Incremental Reoptimization Goal: best plan for Si best plan for Sj Observation – Best plans change for only the ancestors of nodes in Si XOR Sj Algorithm: –Propagate changed costs in bottom-up topological order from nodes in Si XOR Sj –Update min-cost plan at each node visited –Do not propagate further up if min-cost plan remains unchanged at a node Work done at IIT-Bombay
min-cost min-cost Incremental Optimization: Example Si = A B CD
Previous min-cost New min-cost Incremental Optimization: Example Si = Sj = {(B JOIN C)} Now materialized A B CD
Current Status A first-cut implementation working –Lines of C++ code added: 1500 approx.
Future Work Performance tuning and smarter data structures needed Ways to restrict enumeration taking DAG structure into account
Research at IIT-Bombay: Heuristics for MQO with S. Sudarshan, S. Seshadri
A Greedy Heuristic Pick nodes for materialization one at a time, in “benefit” order Benefit(n) = reduction in cost on materialization of n Benefit computation is expensive
Monotonicity Assumption Benefit of a node does not increase due to materialization of other nodes Exploited to avoid some benefit computations Optimization costs decrease by 90%
A Postpass Heuristic: Volcano-SH No change in Volcano best plan computation Cost-based materialization of nodes in best Volcano plan Implementation easy Low overhead Optimizer is not aware
A Volcano Variant: Volcano-RU Volcano best plan search aware of best plans for earlier queries –Cost based materialization of best plan nodes that are used by later queries Implementation easy Low overhead Local decisions, plan quality sensitive to query sequence
Experimental Conclusion Greedy –Expensive, but practical –Overheads typically offset by plan quality especially for expensive “canned” queries –Almost linear scaleup with query batch size typically, only the width of the Query DAG affected Volcano-RU –Mostly better than Volcano-SH, same overhead –Negligible overhead over Volcano recommended for cheap but complex queries
Conclusion Multi-query optimization is needed Multi-query optimization is practical! Multi-query optimization is an easy next step for DAG-based optimizers