A Step-by-Step Guide to Generating a List of Conservation Framework High Priority Species and Ecological Communities That May Occur at a Site Matt Austin Resource Management Coordination Project & Ministry of Environment
Note that Hectares BC includes maps for most high priority species (the exceptions are species that have not been assessed by COSEWIC in poorly understood taxonomic groups such as mosses) and almost all ecological communities.
If you want to generate a list for an area, (e.g., a Municipality, Forest District, watershed etc. – this includes any user-defined Show Me Where... query), as opposed to a point, then skip to slide #20.
Ignore this slide unless you are working within the provincial government network and using Internet Explorer
Highlight from row 2 to the bottom of the list and then click the Sort & Filter tool and choose Custom Sort from the drop-down menu
Choose these options and click OK
Highlight rows where Potential Presence is Yes and the Highest Priority is 1-3 in green, rows where the Potential Presence is Yes but the priority is 4-6 or blank in yellow and the rows where the Potential Presence is No in red
Repeat for the Ecological Communities worksheet behind the Species worksheet
The remainder of this slide deck demonstrates how to generate a list for an area, (e.g., a Municipality, Forest District, watershed etc. – this includes any user-defined Show Me Where... query), as opposed to a point.
The query will then be added to the queue and you will receive an when it is available (for many species or ecological communities expect overnight) – when you open the spreadsheet it will look like this....
Expand column A to see the full names as well as the values in column B
Highlight from row 2 to the bottom of the list and then click the Sort & Filter tool and choose Custom Sort from the drop-down menu
Choose these options and click OK
Cut rows where column B is blank and paste them to a separate worksheet Then choose these options and click OK
Highlight rows where Potential Presence is Yes and the Highest Priority is 1-3 in green, rows where the Potential Presence is Yes but the priority is 4-6 or blank in yellow