I-SUITE BASICS Install I-Suite Server Clients Setup Initial Admin User Create Database Add Users Create Additional Admin User Create I-Suite Users Setup Auto Backups Create Incident Manual ROSS Import
Install I-Suite Server Initial Server Setup (Create Admin User) Create Database Add I-Suite Users Create Additional Admin user Setup Auto Backups Create Incident ROSS Import Manually Add Install I-Suite Clients
INSTALLATION Install with Administrative Privileges Powerbroker Accept Install Shield defaults Watch the Microsoft SQL Server Setup progress window A successful install of SQL is shown by a next to each step A failed step identified with an X is serious and will require an uninstall/reinstall
UNINSTALLING Uninstall through the I-Suite program All Programs>I-Suite>Uninstall I-Suite Stop the SQL Services if prompted through SQL Manager After reboot check that SQL fully uninstalled Manually uninstall if necessary kb/ Revo Uninstall Utility If any SQL files remain after uninstall. They will need to be uninstalled manually. Refer to Website for uninstall order.
SERVER Name: Server IP: (Local)\ISuite2 Database: TREE CLIENT TWO Name: Server IP: SERVER\ISuite2 Database: TREE CLIENT THREE Name: Server IP: \ISuite2 Database: TREE IP: CLIENT One Name: Server IP: SERVER\ISuite2 Database: TREE Firewalls Disabled BASIC NETWORKING
NETWORKING COMPLEXITIES DHCP vs. Static IP Routers and Switches Wireless Security Not stable for I-Suite Firewalls Windows Firewall Antivirus Firewall Disable or Create Exceptions Hardware Various Operating Systems Team Kits Rentals Terminal Services Agency Machines
CONNECTION ISSUES Server not available = Connection issue to the server Ping the server Disable Firewall Windows and Antivirus Create firewall exceptions sqlservr.exe sqlbrowser.exe Login failed = I-Suite User Account Issue Account is not enabled Incorrect User Name Incorrect Password
I-SUITE TIPS Never change the server name after install Windows 7 Run as Administrator Run in XP Compatibility Mode Special characters in user name Do not use a comma Special characters in database name Only use an underscore Some characters (“, ‘, #) can be confused with SQL Statements Failed Backup Message Contact the helpdesk and ask for your issue to be escalated to an I-Suite SME immediately Moving Database Create/Restore using a backup Never detach a database until you verify that you have a working backup