Version 1.0
MCAD MCSD MCPD Enterprise SQL MCTS MCT Software/Web Development Consultant Cryptography/Digital Signature Consultant SQL Server 2005/2008R2/2012 Consultant SharePoint 2007/2010/2013 Consultant AJAX Consultant Software Development Lead Professional Scrum Master Ahmad Adel Gad
Course Outline 1. Overview Overview 2. Select Statement - Retrieve Data Select Statement - Retrieve Data 3. Select Statement - Filtering Data Select Statement - Filtering Data 4. Working with NULL Values Working with NULL Values 5. Formatting Result Sets Formatting Result Sets 6. System Functions System Functions 7. Combining and Limiting Result Sets Combining and Limiting Result Sets 8. Grouping Data Grouping Data 9. Using Table Expressions Using Table Expressions Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Course Outline 10. Windowing and Paging Data (Over Clause) Windowing and Paging Data (Over Clause) 11. Querying SQL Server Metadata Querying SQL Server Metadata 11. Data Manipulation Language (DML) Data Manipulation Language (DML) 12. Querying Full-Text Index Search Querying Full-Text Index Search 13. Distributed Queries Distributed Queries 15. Implementing Error Handling (Handling Exceptions) Implementing Error Handling (Handling Exceptions) 16. Implementing Transactions (TCL) Implementing Transactions (TCL) Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Overview About SQL Language (T-SQL) Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Select Statement - Retrieve Data Fixed Values Variables Calculated Values All Fields From Specific Table Specific Fields From Specific Table Concatenated Fields - Alias Name Calculated Value On Specific Fields Specific Columns From Table Alias Name Value Returned From Function Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Select Statement - Filtering Data Comparison operators Logical operators Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Working with NULL Values IS Null - Comparison ANSI_NULLS Settings ISNULL() Function NullIF() Function Coalesce() Function Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Formatting Result Sets Sorting Data Eliminating Duplicate Rows Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
System Functions Aggregate Functions Scalar Functions Converting Functions Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Combining and Limiting Result Sets Join Inner/Where Clause Outer (Full/Left/Right) Cross Self Join Data Samples (TableSample Operator) Cube Union/Except/Intersect Apply (Cross/Outer) Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Grouping Data Group By RollUP Cube Pivot - UnPivot Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Using Table Expressions Sub Queries Derived Tables Common Table Expressions (CTE) Views Table-Valued Functions Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Windowing and Paging Data (Over Clause) Paging Functions Offset – Fetch Row_Number Over Clause Ranking Functions Analytic Functions Aggregate Functions NEXT VALUE FOR Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Querying SQL Server Metadata System Variable System Stored Procedures System Catalog Views System Catalog Functions Dynamic Management Views (DMV) Dynamic Management Functions (DMF) Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Data Manipulation Language (DML) Insert Update Delete Output Clause Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Querying Full-Text Index Search Contains FreeText Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Distributed Queries OpenDataSource Function OpenRowSet Function Configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' Settings Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Implementing Error Handling (Handling Exceptions) Variable Try … Catch Throw Exceptions RaiseError Throw System Error Information Functions Error Severities Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel
Implementing Transactions (TCL) Autocommit Transactions Implicit Transactions Explicit Transactions XACT_ABORT Setting Implementing Transactions with Exception Handling XACT_STATE() Function Isolation Levels Querying Microsoft SQL Server Ahmad Adel