Biobuilder R to teach synthetic biology in high school and early college settings NKuldell and JDixon SynBERC Retreat
“Adventures” then “biobuilder” “Visitors to the website self- navigate within five topic areas to relevant animations, podcasts, primary journal articles, and news reports”
biobuilding curriculum
biobuilding: essay assignments Promise and Perils Design Do the potential contributions to society warrant the potential risks inherent in synthetic biology? Identify a problem or challenge that can be addressed through synthetic biology, then design a system to solve it.
biobuilding: hands-on activities Eau that smell iTune Picture this What a colorful world
biobuilding: hands-on activities Eau that smell iTune Picture this What a colorful world 54 + inverter 70
biobuilding: hands-on activities Eau that smell iTune Picture this What a colorful world 54 + inverter 70
biobuilding: hands-on activities Eau that smell iTune Picture this What a colorful world 54 + inverter 70
biobuilding: hands-on activities Eau that smell iTune Picture this What a colorful world 54 + inverter 70
biobuilding: hands-on activities Eau that smell iTune
Variations for resource- strapped schools
Please help with the next steps Dissemination Point teachers you know in this direction Teacher training, summer 2011 (volunteers?) Development New labs and topic ideas always welcome Facebook/Twitter help Support OWW where content is housed If all goes well, project will outgrow my lab Send thoughts on how to grow this resource
Sincere thanks to many! Adventures/animations team Drew Endy Isadora Deese Reshma Shetty Rebecca Adams MIT SBWG Chuck Wadey Animated StoryBoards team Ezra Krauz Berhan Dagnew Dan Pack Website team Chris DeFrancesco Max Antinori Jenny Nguyen Lab Content Justin Buck Ginkgo Bioworks iGEM teams around the world Jim Dixon and his adventurous seniors at Sharon HS
Handoff to Kate
54 + inverter 70