1 An Instruction Booklet for the Parents of Newfane College Bound Students 2007 Edition Woodburn Press All rights reserved
2 Part I The Academic Record Part II High School - Year by Year Part III Money for College
3 Part I The Academic Record
4 In order to understand the college selection and admissions process, there are terms that parents need to understand and information that they must have.
5 College Admissions Criteria When evaluating an applicant, colleges look at: Grade Point Average (GPA) Class Rank ACT/SAT Scores Recommendations Strength of Subjects Special Talents: Art, music, athletics Personal Qualities Activities / Volunteerism / Employment / Awards Essays Interviews
6 Grade Point Average (GPA) The average of a student’s end of term grades, starting with the freshman year. Class Rank two numbers used to show where a student stands in her/her class (e.g., 35/150)
7 College and AP Courses Students should enroll in the most rigorous courses that they can handle. College admissions offices want to see students taking challenging courses. *College and AP courses offered at Newfane are weighted higher. A weighted (consequently higher) final course grade will improve a student’s GPA! For example: An 80% final ave. in a college course would be averaged into the overall GPA as an 84% and this same grade in an AP course would go in as an 85.6%! The process of weighting the more difficult courses is the pay-off to students who challenge themselves. The weighted GPA is reported on college admissions applications!
8 High School Transcript a document detailing a student’s academic achievement Courses, grades, and credits for each grade completed, beginning with grade nine (and any high school credits earned in grade 8) Cumulative GPA, class rank, and attendance Anticipated graduation date Test scores from the PLAN, PSAT, SAT, and/or ACT Regents Exam scores
9 School Profile a document that provides information about the high school a student is attending: The guidance office automatically attaches one to each transcript that we send to a college for admissions purposes.
10 College Recommended Courses 4 years of English 3 years of math 3 years of science 2-3 years of the same foreign language 4 years of social studies 1 year of fine or performing arts Individual colleges may have different or additional requirements
11 Four-Year High School Plan a listing of the courses a student plans to take during his/her freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years. Each student has one on file in the guidance office.
12 College Majors Most colleges offer a broad range of majors Students who know what they want to major in should choose their high school courses accordingly Undecided students can use their first year of college to take their required general education courses *All students should take advantage of the AP and college courses offered at Newfane High School since these will help satisfy college general education requirements before a student even finishes high school (not to mention that they are weighted more so the final grades are higher)!
13 Requirements for Athletes NCAA - Division I and II colleges can give scholarships: Students must register with the NCAA Initial Eligibility MS/NCAA.html NAIA - fewer colleges - different eligibility requirements NJCAA (junior colleges) - no academic eligibility requirements for incoming students
14 Two-Year Colleges, Career and Trade Schools Students can train for many high growth career fields in two years or less 2-year community colleges are the most affordable college option Students can start at a 2-year community college and transfer to a 4-year college: Many colleges have a dual admissions program, i.e. NCCC, that streamlines this process. Pay lower tuition for 2 yrs. then transfer to 4 yr. Their courses are more career-related They offer a more “hands-on” approach
15 Part II High School – Year by Year
16 High School – Year by Year There are specific things that parents can do at each grade level to ensure that their children will be prepared for college.
17 8th Grade While 8th grade may not be as important as grades 9-12, it is nevertheless an important year. Grades may be used to determine ninth grade course placement. A few of the courses are actually high school courses that will eventually be averaged into the student’s overall GPA. 8th grade students who develop good study skills are much better prepared for high school This is a good time to develop a 4-year plan Students generally choose their 9th grade courses in the late winter months.
18 9th Grade How to Guide and Advise Your Freshman Remember - this is the year that everything starts to count! Monitor academic progress Encourage involvement in a wide variety of activities. Colleges want well-rounded students on their campus. Start an “Activities List” Help your child select appropriate 10th grade courses Help plan meaningful summer activities Start a college savings account
19 10th Grade How to Guide and Advise Your Sophomore Monitor academic progress Continue to encourage involvement in community/school/volunteer and leadership opportunities! Have your child take the PLAN (practice test for the ACT) Explore and discuss college options Oversee 11th grade course selection Help plan meaningful summer activities Update “Activities List” Add money to college savings account
20 11th Grade How to Guide and Advise Your Junior Monitor academic progress Continue to encourage involvement Have your son/daughter register for the PSAT/NMSQT in September - this is a practice test for the SAT - students can use their test scores to see how they compare to other college bound students - this test is used to determine National Merit awards Think about and explore college options Have your child register for the ACT and/or SAT in the spring
21 Offered in October, December, February, April, and June 4 multiple choice tests - English, Reading, Math, and Science Scores given for each section (1-36) Composite Score Optional Writing Test 11th Grade - How to Guide and Advise Your Junior Continued The ACT
22 The SAT Offered in October, November, December, January, March, May, and June. Newfane is a SAT Test Center for the May and October dates. Juniors typically take the May exam (seniors typically retake the exam in October for a better score). 3 sections - Critical Reading, Math, and Writing. Most colleges are still most interested in just the Critical Reading and Math scores. Scores range from 200 to 800 for each section. Students should strive to achieve a total score of around 1100 (Critical Reading plus Math scores combined). This will keep students eligible for most SUNY colleges. SAT Subject Tests - one-hour tests in specific subject areas. Students applying to selective colleges typically will have to take 1-2 subject exams (check requirements ahead of time). 11th Grade - How to Guide and Advise Your Junior Continued
23 Make College Visits - Learn about the college before your visit - Take a tour - Meet with an admissions counselor - Check out admissions requirements - Sit in on a class - Get information on intended major - Check out Honors Programs - Read a campus newspaper - Visit a dorm - Talk to students - Verify the cost, and find out about financial aid - Check out the town where the college is located 11th Grade - How to Guide and Advise Your Junior Continued
24 Oversee selection of senior year courses Look for scholarships. Scholarships sent to the school are posted on the district website under the high school section (high school guidance office). Often, parents’ employers or community affiliations may offer scholarships for dependent children. Update “Activities List” Meet with high school counselor Help choose meaningful activities for the summer Narrow the list of college choices Put money into your college savings account 11th Grade - How to Guide and Advise Your Junior Continued
25 12th Grade How to Guide and Advise Your Senior Continue to monitor academic progress Set up a calendar for the year Have your son or daughter sign up for the first ACT and/or SAT (latest test date=November), if necessary Oversee completion of college applications - Make sure applications are completed correctly - Provide information for recommendations - Make sure applications are sent in before deadlines Oversee completion of financial aid and scholarship applications. Financial aid (FAFSA) goes from Jan. 1 to mid-March. Scholarships are all year long.
26 Part III Money for College
27 Money for College Financial aid is money that is given, earned, or lent to help students pay for their education.
28 Four Categories of Financial Aid Grant - money given, usually because of financial need Scholarship - money awarded for achievement or talent Work-Study - money earned by working Loan - borrowed money that must be repaid
29 Except for merit-based scholarships, financial aid is generally awarded on the basis of financial need. Financial need is the difference between the cost of attending a college and the amount a family can afford.
30 To receive need-based aid, parents must complete the necessary forms. FAFSA: Requirement off all colleges! College Financial Aid Form The PROFILE TAP: NYS financial aid if student attends a NYS college.
31 The FAFSA A federal form that determines how much a family can afford to pay Submit your FAFSA after January 1 of your son/daughter’s senior year. Newfane High School annually has a financial aid night in early January at which a financial aid expert explains the financial aid sources and documents (FAFSA and TAP).
32 Loans Stafford Loan Subsidized Stafford Loan Unsubsidized Stafford Loan PLUS Loan Perkins Loan
33 Applying for Scholarships Start early Contact the college’s financial aid office for information Know that private colleges offer more scholarships Apply for local scholarships Network Use the Internet Be aware of deadlines Pursue all financial aid opportunities Be leery of scholarship searches that charge a fee Frequently check the Newfane Guidance Office webpage, under senior scholarships, for new scholarship postings!
34 For Additional Information...
35 For Additional Information