Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time, a little girl lived in a village near the forest. She always wore a red cloak, so everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood.
One day she asked her mother if she could visit her grandmother. They packed a basket full of goodies for Little Red Riding Hood to take to her grandmother.
Little Red Riding Hood’s mother reminded her to go straight to her grandmother’s house and to not talk to strangers in the woods.
Little Red Riding Hood was enjoying her walk.
She knew she was supposed to stay on the path and go straight to her Grandmothers house.
But when she saw such beautiful flowers, she forgot her promise to her mother and began picking them.
How many flowers did Little Red Riding Hood collect? Click on Little Red Riding Hood to return to the story
She was so busy picking flowers and watching the butterflies that she didn’t notice the dark shadow approaching.
Suddenly the wolf appeared beside her. “What are you doing out here?” asked the wolf. “I’m on my way to visit my grandma” replied Little Red Riding Hood.
STRANGER DANGER Mummy told me not to talk to strangers …
Realising how late she was, Little Red Riding Hood rushed off down the path towards her grandmother’s house.
But the wolf took a short cut …
Out of breath, the Wolf arrived at grandmas house. He knocked on the door. “Come in my dear” said Grandma. “I was so worried that something happened to you in the forest”.
Click on Little Red Riding Hood to return to the story
Thinking that the knock was her grand daugher, Grandma stayed in her chair. The wolf let himself in and before Grandma could say another word he gobbled her up!
The wolf helped himself to Grandma’s clothes and even put on some perfume.
A few moments later Little Red Riding Hood knocked on the door. “Come in” cried the wolf in a crackly voice to disguise himself.
Little Red Riding Hood scarcely recognised her grandmother. “Grandma, your voice is so odd, is there something the matter?” asked Little Red Riding Hood “I have a touch of a cold” squeaked the wolf
“But grandma, your ears are so big” “The better to hear you with” replied the wolf. “But grandma! What big eyes you have” “The better to see you with” replied the wolf “But grandma! What big teeth you have” said Little Red Riding Hood with her voice quivering. “The better to eat you my dear” and the wolf jumped up and chased Little Red Riding Hood
Almost too late Little Red Riding Hood realised that the person in the bed was not her grandmother but a hungry wolf! She ran out the door shouting “Help! Wolf!”
A nearby woodsman heard her cry and ran towards her to help.
He grabbed the wolf and made him spit out poor Grandma, who was a bit frazzled but still in one piece.
“Oh Grandma I was so scared” sobbed Little Red Riding Hood. “I’ll never speak to strangers again”. “There there dear” replied Grandma, “You have learnt an important lesson. Thank goodness you shouted for help” Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandma then enjoyed a nice lunch together.