A Portal for Future Educators and Scientists: the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory Susan M. Pfiffner 1, Kimberly Davis 1, Tommy J. Phelps 2, Thomas L. Kieft 3, and T.C. Onstott 4 1 Univ. of Tennessee, 2 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 3 New Mexico Tech., and 4 Princeton Univ.
Education is in the foreground A couple questions –preformed work while underground –kids,museums, hands-on –Education across disciplines –communication –increased understanding
Learning Retention Rates Project Evaluation Formative - assess initial & ongoing activities Summative - assess & impact of a fully implemented project Project DescriptionPerformance Indicators Summative Evaluation Basic Research Formative Evaluation The 2002 User-Friendly Handbook for Project evaluation. NSF Univ. Tenn. IT Newsletter
Education and Outreach RECRUIT AND ENGAGE STUDENTS Encourage students toward scientific careers Provide hands-on experience Interaction with mentors Enhance laboratory, speaking, & writing skills RESEARCH Facilitate unique interdisciplinary research Strengthen international collaborations Enhance exchange of research, technology, and education
Mentoring of undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs Invited seminars at K-12 schools, universities, churches, and other public forums SHADES- SHared ADventures in Engineering and Science = hands-on symposium for year old girls Brownie Math and Science Event Design Competition Crash landing on Mars Examples of Successful E&O
Educational workshops for undergraduate and high school teachers Web site with animations and video that illustrate how and why scientist conduct research in the deep mines Design or enhance college- level courses on the deep subsurface Development of a web-based series for pre-college students highlighting diverse careers In Episode Two of The Sacred Balance TV Series, David Suzuki travels to a South African gold mine, goes three miles beneath the surface with Tullis Onstott, and fines life forms that, until very recently, no one knew existed. Examples of Successful E&O
Successful E&O Case Study One week hands-on field and laboratory workshops on Life in Extreme Environments and their Biotechnological Application REU Site: Biogeochemical Educational Experiences- South Africa (BEE-SA)
Benefits for DUSEL Readily accessible year round Staffed by faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and support staff Educational technology transfer Undergraduate program as a model Basis for interdisciplinary educational outreach Opportunities for joint collaborations Opportunities for international students coming to U.S. Linked with extensive network of R&D institutions Top quality multidisciplinary R&D opportunities