Mr. Ulmer Principles of Science
The Class Web Site WEB WEB There is a 150 page class web site. There is a 150 page class web site. It is found on the high school web site, under “Faculty” and “Ulmer- Science” It is found on the high school web site, under “Faculty” and “Ulmer- Science” There will be project information and the class guidebook. There will be project information and the class guidebook. A class syllabus which describes policies, grading, and expectations if found there. A class syllabus which describes policies, grading, and expectations if found there.
Classroom Activities Full Laboratory Experiences: Students will complete a formal lab report. Full Laboratory Experiences: Students will complete a formal lab report. Group Lab Activities: Students work in Group Lab Activities: Students work in assigned lab groups for “hands-on” work. Internet Activities: Web Quests, Web Reviews, Web research, and PowerLibrary Internet Activities: Web Quests, Web Reviews, Web research, and PowerLibrary
Classroom Activities Current Events: Researching, reading and writing about our science topics in the news. Current Events: Researching, reading and writing about our science topics in the news. Cornell Notes: Reading, analyzing, organizing information from the text. These become a study-guide for tests. Cornell Notes: Reading, analyzing, organizing information from the text. These become a study-guide for tests. Concept Mapping: These Concept Mapping: These organize ideas. organize ideas.
Astronomy The Galaxies The Galaxies Stars Stars Planets Planets New Dwarf Planets, Eris 2007 New Dwarf Planets, Eris 2007 Exoplanets ( Over 200…) Exoplanets ( Over 200…) Moons ( over 100…) Moons ( over 100…) Comets, asteroids, meteorites, and more Comets, asteroids, meteorites, and more
Chemistry Basic Chemistry Basic Chemistry Measurement Measurement Periodic Table Periodic Table Bonding Bonding Mixtures Mixtures
Meteorology Weather Maps Weather Maps Hurricanes Hurricanes Tornadoes Tornadoes Clouds Clouds Precipitation Precipitation Atmosphere Atmosphere
Geology Volcanoes, Lava, & Magma Volcanoes, Lava, & Magma Earthquakes & Metamorphic Rocks Earthquakes & Metamorphic Rocks Errosional Forces & Sedimentary Rocks Errosional Forces & Sedimentary Rocks Minerals: copper, quartz, diamonds Minerals: copper, quartz, diamonds
Biology The Six Kingdoms The Six Kingdoms Cell Biology Cell Biology Genetics Genetics Ecology Ecology
Physics Atomic Structure Atomic Structure Motion Motion Forces Forces Heat Heat Electricity Electricity Light Light