English 11 AP Journal TURN IN POSITION ESSAY OUTLINES TO THE BIN! A number of books and articles have been written, and movies have been produced that epitomize the mental and/or emotional struggles, sacrifices, and challenges faced by people who find it overwhelming, disagreeable, or stifling to conform to the conventional rules of life. Many characters are depicted as such because they add interest to a story, and many authors capitalize on the idiosyncrasies of inventive minds simply to write novels. Using the following categories:1) science, 2) technology, 3) philosophy/religion, 4) art, and 5) music, identify at least one character from a movie you have seen or a book you have readwho is an outsider/ eccentric character. (i.e. science: Dr. Frankenstein) Provide a 2-3 sentence explanation for each.
English 11AP Journal “The ability to delude yourself may be an important survival tool.” -Jane WagnerJane Wagner Respond in a paragraph: Put the quote in your own words. Based on your reading of Into the Wild so far, how vital is delusion to Chris McCandless’ survival on the road and in Alaska? Use specific examples from the text to support your argument. DO NOT PUT YOUR JOURNAL AWAY YET.
“How Chris McCandless Died” After reading “How Chris McCandless Died” from The New Yorker, respond to each of the questions AS A NEW JOURNAL ENTRY in 6-8 SENTENCES EACH. Use quotes from the “Author’s Note” and the article to support your response. Based on your reading of the article, and the “Author’s Note”, did McCandless die of unintentional starvation or from intended suicide? Did he mean to eat the pea seeds or did he really mistake them for potato seeds? Support your response with evidence from the article and book. After reading the article, and the “Author’s Note,” was Chris McCandless a reckless, irresponsible, self-absorbed traveler, or was he a naïve adventurer who was truly looking to become one with nature and to find himself? Support your response with evidence from the article and book. (Graded as a journal entry; when done, READ, take NOTES on character, plot, setting, style/diction, and theme for Ch. 1-6, put your journal away, and give Ms. Gibbs Jones the article.)
English 11 AP Turn in final drafts to Ms. Gibbs Jones. I do NOT need the rubric. Respond in a well- crafted paragraph: What is Chris McCandless’ motive for venturing into the Alaskan frontier? Is he responding to his distaste for his parents and/ or society? Is he fulfilling the precepts of his favorite authors? Is he seeking to self-indulge, to find himself, perhaps seeking the ultimate form of selfishness, suicide? Is his motive a combination of these factors? Take a stance, provide an argument, and support your argument with at least two quotes from the text.