April 9-13, 2012
Walk-IN: Sit in any group. A group of four would be ideal. Learning Objective: You will read sections from the script of Blade Runner and discuss answers to questions in order to build background knowledge Agenda: 1. Introduction to Blade Runner 2. Frankenstein/Blade Runner Essay Homework: Read and annotate Frankenstein and Blade Runner essay
In your groups assign each person a section of the Blade Runner handout to read. Each person should read their section silently and underline the answers to the questions in the text. When everyone is finished, each person is responsible for reading his or her assigned passage to the group. After reading, the person who read will ask the group members each question. The group will discuss answers, while the reader takes notes on his or her handout. Compare your answers to your groups answers. Clarify any necessary information. Explain Monday Socratic on Blade Runner/human question.
Walk-IN: Open up to a new page in the human section of your notebook and title it Blade Runner Movie Viewing Notes. Learning Objective: Students will analyze a movie by tacking themes, identifying important scenes that support theme topics, ask levels of questions, and identify areas of synthesis between Blade Runner and other texts. Agenda: Blade Runner Intro Blade Runner Film Due Today: Homework: Read and annotate Blade Runner Frankenstein essay
While watching the film, Blade Runner, take notes by completing a levels of thinking chart. Level 1: List any important facts or details that you should remember Compare and Contrast similarities and differences between humans and replicants Level 2: List any details that you are wondering about List quotes or dialogue Ask level 2 questions Level 3: List any general subjects that are important to the story List any conclusions you can come to about the subjects Ask level 3 questions Level 4: Identify connections (areas of synthesis) between the different texts that we have explored so far and the connection or conclusion
Walk-IN: Turn to your Blade Runner Movie Viewing Notes. Learning Objective: Students will analyze a movie by tacking themes, identifying important scenes that support theme topics, ask levels of questions, and identify areas of synthesis between Blade Runner and other texts. Agenda: Blade Runner Film Due Today: Homework: Prepare for Socratic Seminar
DVD is in DVD player, and should be cued up to the proper starting point (Scene12) for today. Make sure the white buttons on the smart corner are pressed to DVD/VCR. Make sure that the input on the VCR is on line two (BCTN is channel 3). (If the remote for either the DVD player or VCR are not working, remove the batteries and then put them back in—usually this solves the problem). Begin viewing with Chapter/Scene 12, time index 36:55: view of Pris walking down deserted garbage strewn street. STOP at the end of Chapter/Scene 22, time index 1:12:38: view of animated billboard of Asian woman ingesting a pill. Allow students 5 minutes to informally discuss with fellow classmates sitting around them Closely monitor the time to be sure there is time to finish the film BEGIN viewing Chapter/Scene 23, and show the rest of the movie. As the credits roll, ask students to free-write in their notes about how they make sense of the ending. Remind students of the homework—prepare for Socratic Seminar on Monday. Please pass out the handout that describes the homework prep to each student. Please collect the class sets of viewing note guidlines.
While watching the film, Blade Runner, take notes by completing a levels of thinking chart. Level 1: List any important facts or details that you should remember Compare and Contrast similarities and differences between humans and replicants Level 2: List any details that you are wondering about List quotes or dialogue Ask level 2 questions Level 3: List any general subjects that are important to the story List any conclusions you can come to about the subjects Ask level 3 questions Level 4: Identify connections (areas of synthesis) between the different texts that we have explored so far and the connection or conclusion
Directions: This is your ticket into seminar—you must have this to participate. 1-2 Passages from Blade Runner/Frankenstein Essay. Write down the location of the passage and the beginning of the quote. Also include a one sentence summary of the part of the novel where the quote comes from Paragraph explaining each quote and how it relates to humanity 2-3 paraphrases of scenes from the movie that relate to humans/replicants, or what it means to be human, or how fears affect humanity, or how perception of reality affects humanity. Write a one sentence summary of the part of the movie where the scene comes from Paragraph explaining each scene and how it relates to humanity 4-6 Questions (these can be Level 1, 2, or 3) 2-3 areas of synthesis Choose a scene from the movie or a quote from the novel that relates to other texts/movies from our class or outside and explain the connection