Gentlemen, The library is for you too!! Come in an take an adventure: -Go on a mountain trek -Fight a sword battle -Drive a race car and so much more! Come in and let us show you how!
Not just for reading, the Library offers so much more! Play a game of chess with a friend Search the internet Create your own Graphic Novel Watch a DVD Learn to draw monsters Discover new places Research where to take the girl you like on a date
Many of your favourite movies are based on books! Movies quickly run through an adventure. Books give you the background story that movies just don’t have time for. Reading a book gives you a sense of accomplishment that a movie cannot. Here are some of the titles we have –Harry Potter series –Lord of the Rings (in Graphic Novel form) –Transformers –Star Wars series –Indiana Jones series
Graphic Novel Section We have a new graphic novel section! New titles are being added each month! Titles include: –Bones series –Shakespearian plays –Marvel comics –DC comics –Classics, such as Treasure Island & Frankenstein –and so, so much more!
Quick Library facts There are almost 3 times as many public libraries in Canada than McDonald's restaurants libraries, including branches.There are almost 3 times as many public libraries in Canada than McDonald's restaurants libraries, including branches. More Canadians visit libraries than take part in golf, hockey, baseball, and swimming combined.More Canadians visit libraries than take part in golf, hockey, baseball, and swimming combined. Number of library programs offered: 108,325 Number of NHL games in regular season (N.A.): 2,460 Thus, public libraries offered 44 times more programs than the NHL did games - not counting the play-offs.Number of library programs offered: 108,325 Number of NHL games in regular season (N.A.): 2,460 Thus, public libraries offered 44 times more programs than the NHL did games - not counting the play-offs.
If the 153,914,378 books circulated by Canadian public libraries each year were stacked on top of each other they would be 7000 times higher than the CN Tower in Toronto.If the 153,914,378 books circulated by Canadian public libraries each year were stacked on top of each other they would be 7000 times higher than the CN Tower in Toronto. If you took the stack of 153,914,378If you took the stack of 153,914,378 books above and shelved the books as a library does, the resulting shelf of books would be almost twice the length of the Great Wall of China!
Be a part of the Library movement You too can suggest books, graphic novels, resources, games, and activities to your friends by creating your own BOOK TALK to add to the SCHOOL WEB-PAGE Come in and we’ll show you how using PowerPoint or Hyperstudio
Hours of Operation Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday morningsTuesday, Wednesday, Thursday mornings 8am – 8:55am Every day at lunchEvery day at lunch Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays after school until 4:30pm.Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays after school until 4:30pm. Or ask your teacher to send you down during class timeOr ask your teacher to send you down during class time