To learn any topic by heart, which method will you follow?
LEARNING STYLES By- Dr. Manisha Taneja Lecturer in Education R.M.S. College of Education Behrampur,Gurgaon
Learning Styles Learning style is the way in which each learner begins to concentrate on, process and retain new and difficult information.
Why is it Important to know Students Learning Styles? Students process information differently If educators teach exclusively to one style students comfort level may be diminished If only taught in one style students may lose mental dexterity to think in different ways We should address the learning needs of all students
“Twenty five students sitting in a classroom are not processing information in the same manner. The brain is translating information differently in each person.”
Three Basic Learning Styles VISUAL (Watch & Learn) AUDITORY (Listen & Learn) KINESTHETIC (Do & Learn) (Also, includes TACTILE - Touch & Learn)
According to a Research… As students progress through Elementary School, AUDITORY LEARNING is increased. VISUAL & KINESTHETIC activities decrease. By High School, major teaching method is AUDITORY. A generation ago, the predominant learning style was AUDITORY. But now, it is more VISUAL & less AUDITORY.
“The best learning situation is one that includes a strong mixture of all three of these learning types.”
Characteristics of VISUAL LEARNER Enjoys reading/looking at books & pictures Enjoy things being orderly so that things can be find easily When discussing a book, can easily find the page being discussed, because pictures things in the head Often be quiet & enjoy working on puzzles
What Teacher can do? Using time lines to illustrate Historical Events Writing Instructions on the board Using Educational Bulletin boards Using Diagrams, Charts & Maps to supplement the learning material
Characteristics of AUDITORY LEARNER Talks a lot Enjoy telling jokes & stories and remembers things that are spoken to him Can memorize things easily, including all the words to songs that he hears May read aloud or whisper read so that he can hear the words
What Teacher can do? Find him a quiet place to work Should be encouraged to read and study out loud Correct spelling of words is most easily taught using the “Say-spell-Say” method. For eg, HOUSE-H-O-U-S-E-HOUSE. Whenever possible, encourage spoken answers to questions instead of written answers Using a tape recorder may help him take more accurate notes & allow more thorough studying
Characteristics of KINESTHETIC (& TACTILE) LEARNER Learns by touch & hands-on activities Enjoys moving & likes to touch everything Can easily take things apart and put them back together again Will also be good at sports & will enjoy activities that allow her to touch & manipulate things
What Teacher can do? Utilize as many activities as possible that allow for movement while learning like- Computer work Hands-on Projects Manipulative Learning Materials
Now this is ACTIVITY TIME…. Prepare a lesson plan on any topic from your subject using all the learning styles through below mentioned points- Learning Objectives Learning Materials Methods/Devices/Techniques used Activities Evaluation
Teaching NOUNS using all learning styles Showing pictures, charts & real objects (VISUAL) Discussion on ‘Nouns’ (AUDITORY) Giving students real objects to touch (TACTILE) Searching ‘Nouns’ from nature (KINESTHETIC)
Teaching STATES OF INDIA using learning styles Showing political map of India (VISUAL) Discussion on various ‘States of India’ (AUDITORY) Filling up the blank political map (KINESTHETIC)
Teaching PARTS OF A PLANT using learning styles Showing Real plant, picture, diagram, chart etc (VISUAL) Discussion on various ‘Parts of a Plant’ (AUDITORY) Giving them real plant to touch (TACTILE) Identifying the various parts of various plants (KINESTHETIC)
Teaching UNITARY METHOD using learning styles Producing Virtual situations and problems (VISUAL) Discussion on the solution using formula (AUDITORY) Accepting examples from student’s real life situations (KINESTHETIC)
Let me know my Learning Style…