A Collaborative Health Science Model to Meet Future Health Care Needs Oct. 16 th, 2014 Renee Harris Health Science Education Specialist MT Office of Public Instruction
Why Focus On a Health Care Pipeline? MT has a workforce shortage in almost all 56 counties in MT Exposure to health care careers is limited Students need academic and career training to be successful in these fields
Partnerships Make it Happen MT OPI- CTE Division MT state AHEC/ORH 5 Regional AHEC Centers MT Workforce Advisory SpectrUM Exploratorium Monida Healthcare MT DPLN MT HOSA MT DPHHS MT State Legislature MHA
The Great Hospital Adventure A puppet show for K-3 students; $2,
Hands On Health-
“In A Box” Curriculum Available from Northeast Oregon AHEC
Public Health E-Newsletter E-newsletters can be found by visiting the AHEC website: development/pipeline.html The September newsletter highlights “Suicide Prevention”
Pathways to Careers in Montana
Oral Health On the Road The goal of these dental careers presentations is to inform students of the wonderful opportunities that exist in the field of oral health and increase their interest in potentially pursuing one of these careers after high school. Across Montana there is a great need for oral health care professionals of all levels. These careers offer job stability, flexibility, and an opportunity to help others, and work with people.
Healthy Lifestyles
Media Campaign Environmental, because Shape Up Shelby! becomes part of the community culture. Individual, because people learn new information.
R.E.A.C.H. (Research & Explore Awesome Careers in Healthcare) Regional AHEC & local hospitals
AHEC/GearUp-Med Start Summer Camp
Simulation Manikin Monida healthcare purchased this SIM Man for professional development in rural hospitals, but offered our health science programs the opportunity to use it in their classrooms.
Health Science Outreach MT Digital Academy MT Digital Professional Learning Network SIM Hospital with live feed to classrooms NCHSE materials Work-based learning CD Curriculum Supplements New activities (CCS)
TAACCCT IV- $15M for Montana The Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education in partnership with AHEC and other partners from the Workforce Advisory Committee, submitted a TAACCCT grant for healthcare. Although this grant would fund only post-secondary programs, this grant will fund the revision of the entire first year of all health professions programs to allow students smoother access to all health professions, among other important projects.
K HOSAHS Teachers MTHWAC GHA Hands on Health In a Box Pathways RHI REACH Med Start SIM Man Digital SIM Hospital