Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Differentiated Personal Finance For all Levels of Learners For all Levels of Learners Feb 6, :00 AM-1:00 PM Feb 6, :00 AM-1:00 PM
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Personal Finance Statistics in America today. Of the 4,000 students who took the Jump$tart personal finance survey in 2004, 65.5% received failing scores. People in the 18 to 24 age bracket spend nearly 30% of their monthly income just on debt repayment - 10% of net income is a recommended amount for debt obligation 40% of Americans say they live beyond their means. The average household with debt carries approximately $10,000 to $12,000 in total revolving debt and has 9 credit cards. In 2005, savings rates dipped to minus 0.5 percent, something that hasn't happened since the Great Depression in 1932 and A negative savings rate means that Americans spent all their disposable income and dipped into past savings or increased their borrowing. The number of 18 to 24-year-olds declaring bankruptcy has increased 96% in 10 years. In 2002, more people filed for bankruptcy than graduated from college. Source: Young Americans Center for Financial Education
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 In 2010, personal finance education will be mandated for all Ohio high school students. The average graduating senior lacks basic skills in financial management. Many students are unable to balance a checkbook and have no insight into the basic survival principles involved with earning, spending, saving and investing.
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Personal finance and basic financial skills are even more crucial for students with disabilities. Most parents of students with disabilities site money management skills as one of the most important life skills their child needs. Realistic financial materials for students with disabilities are hard to find. Personal finance can be a complex subject and students with disabilities need to be taught with materials from the real world, rather than worksheet versions of banking math that a student would never see in their everyday life.
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Free Curriculum Resources: Create Your Personal Budget Webquest This is one of the first projects my students do. It introduces them to topics we will be talking about and how important it is to have a budget. Some find this out at the end when they have no money left. They will refer back to this several times a year when we do checking account reconciliations, taxes, loans, etc. With permission from Susan Cowan, I took her webquest from Canada, adjusted for the United States and added details such as student loans, insurance, mortgage down payments, PMI, etc.
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 National Endowment for Financial Education High School Planning Program Start your planning here, they will send you an instructor’s manual, workbooks and certificates of completion for your students, etc. This program is a great starting point with PowerPoints for every unit, exercises and activities. Some sections may be difficult for students with disabilities, however provides a solid core to build your program.
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 FDIC Money Smart Training Program I received 10 CD’s of this computer based program, covering topics from paying yourself first to owning your home. Each CD includes a scripted guide for instructors, interactive class exercises, overheads, in Word and PowerPoint format, and a take-home guide for participants.
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Money Skill Modules This site is fabulous!!! There are 34 modules. Each module is divided into short sections that are read to the students and have quizzes that are read as well. Teachers set up their classes and can easily print out grades. You can also choose only the modules you would like and change the order. Check it out!!
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Wells Fargo Hands on Banking I really like this site. My students enter the young adults section and follow the online tutorials. There are also worksheets for each section. Note – I made worksheets for my students that ask questions as they follow along with the tutorials, you can find them on my website under the files page.
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 It All Adds Up Play online games and simulations to learn about credit management, buying a car, paying for college, etc.
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Insurance in a Box Curriculum Video clips, PowerPoints, and worksheets covering auto, home, life, and health insurance as well as careers in insurance
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 ABC’s of Financial Planning Citigroup’s online tutorials, cartoon like walk through and explanations from basic banking services to maintaining good credit.
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Citibank's Credit Ed Challenge Students can work online or teachers can send for their free resources. Includes videos, activities, and quizzes.
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Federal Reserve Education Tons of resources like DVD's, games, lesson plans, etc. on the Federal Reserve, Banking & Money
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 IRS Understanding Taxes Online modules, Powerpoints & activities so students can understand everything from why they pay taxes to filling out their own return. The IRS also has a VITA-e program where a school can become a host site where the IRS helps train students and they in return can electronically file returns for low income families or those with disabilities.
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Merrill Lynch Global Philanthrophy Investing Pays Off Curriculum Curriculum and Worksheets covering many financial and life skills.
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Practical Money Skills for Life Great site covering many different life skills topic from personal finance to consumer awareness, includes overheads, interactive quiz, and student worksheet activities. Includes resources for students with special needs!
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Financial Games: Escape from Knab Use your financial skills to escape an alien planet!
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 FTC's Grand Scam Finance Games 3 fun games including Spot that Scan, Welcome to Bargainville, and Fact or Fiction
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Financial Football
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Fun Finance Games Bank it or Bust, Rags to Riches, & It Costs What?
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Reality Check Short little online activity to give students a reality check based on what they would like to spend how much they are likely to make and how much they could make based on different degrees.
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Show me the Future Math Game
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Sense & Dollars Games Dream Prom and other financial games
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 The Mint Try it Games, Budgeting, Banking, Spending & Entrepreneur -
Property of MMcClurg & JBrinkman 2008 Do not forget your local financial institutions. Many banks have financial literacy materials for teachers to keep or loan. Many banking associates are eager to talk to students about banking services in your own classroom or on a field trip.