TEAK Home Kits & Activities Outreach Teacher Training Workshop Publications Contributors Sponsors Contacts Sponsors – NSF, ASHRAE About TEAK The TEAK (Traveling Engineering Activity Kit) Project is an RIT Kate Gleason College of Engineering effort that resulted in a series of hands-on, portable kits, with lesson plans, that can be used to teach engineering concepts to middle school students, as well as training materials for engineering students who will be teaching engineering to younger students. The TEAK Project is primarily student-developed, involving RIT students of all year levels from the colleges of Engineering (KGCOE), Imaging Arts and Sciences (CIAS), Applied Science and Technology (CAST), and Computing and Information Science (GCCIS). TEAK materials have benefitted over 4000 students and educators in the Rochester, NY area since This site contains complete documents for our traveling engineering activity kits, including lesson plans and handouts, as well as the materials we have developed for student outreach teacher training. …Common Banner
TEAK Home Kits & Activities Outreach Teacher Training Workshop Publications Contributors Sponsors Contacts Sponsors – NSF, ASHRAE TEAK Kits Energy and Environment-Related Activities Electrical Energy Chemical Energy Molecules and Fuel Cells Heat Transfer Bioengineering-Related Activities Artificial Eye Artificial Lung Laparoscopic Surgery Biomechanical Finger Biomehcanical Joint Sound and Music-Related Activities Electronic Keyboard Xylophone Materials Speakers and Microphones …Common Banner Note: Each kit title will be a link. This will be set up accordion style, where if you hover over or the title (or maybe click on it), you’ll get a little more information – a small photo and the kit overview blurb, as well as a link to download the lesson plan packet. Text included separately
TEAK Home Kits & Activities Outreach Teacher Training Workshop Publications Contributors Sponsors Contacts Sponsors – NSF, ASHRAE Outreach Teacher Training Workshop The TEAK Outreach Teacher Training workshop prepares students to go out into the community to teach about engineering. Students learn techniques for effective communication to a pre-college audience, and each participant has the opportunity to watch and reflect on a video of his or herself delivering an engineering lesson. This workshop was developed in order to train engineering students preparing to teach TEAK kits, or to work as instructors/mentors at outreach events and engineering summer camps, but it can be augmented for use in a training series for undergraduate or graduate teaching assistants. Student Teacher Training Workshop Materials: Session 1: Introduction & Know Your Audience teaches how to engage your audience, get their attention, and understand their perspective in the classroom. Session 2: Lecture and Questioning Techniques teaches ways to keep student actively involved in your lesson, focused mainly on how to ask and encourage good questions. Session 3: Managing Hands-On Activities teaches techniques for planning hands-on activities, particularly when using lesson plans developed by someone other than you. Session 4: Classroom Assessment Techniques reviews some quick techniques on how to determine whether students are learning what you think they’re learning, as well as other ways to get feedback on your own teaching. Session 5: Microteaching Activity is a culminating activity where workshop participants deliver a lesson to the group, incorporating the skills and techniques learned during the workshop. Lessons are recorded and provided to participants for review and reflection. Workshop Feedback Forms can be used to gather student feedback on the workshops Complete Workshop Packet contains presentation materials for all sessions. …Common Banner
TEAK Home Kits & Activities Outreach Teacher Training Workshop Publications Contributors Sponsors Contacts Sponsors – NSF, ASHRAE Publications Refereed Journal Articles: 1.DeBartolo, Elizabeth and Bailey, Margaret, “The TEAK Project: Students as Teachers”, International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 25, pp , Refereed Conference Proceedings: (* indicates student collaborators) 1.Elizabeth DeBartolo, Margaret Bailey, and Risa Robinson, “A Workshop to Improve Communication Skills for Teaching Assistants”, Proc. of the 2012 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX, June Elizabeth DeBartolo, Margaret Bailey, Sheryl Gillow*, William Scorse*, and Richard Liccion*, “An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Traveling Engineering Activity Kits in Pre-College Classrooms”, 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Lake Buena Vista, FL, November William Scorse* and Richard Liccion* (advisors: Elizabeth DeBartolo and Margaret Bailey), “Traveling Engineering Activity Kits: TEAK-Bioengineering”, 2009 Northeast Regional ASEE Conference, Bridgeport, CT, April Margaret Bailey and Elizabeth DeBartolo, “HEAT TRANSFER Traveling Engineering Activity Kit: Designed by Engineering Students for Middle School Students”, 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Seattle, WA, November Elizabeth DeBartolo, Margaret Bailey, Melissa Zaczek*, Timothy Schriefer*, Patrick Kelley*, Mallika Ramaswamy*, and Nicholas Ryczko*, “Traveling Engineering Activity Kits – Energy and the Environment: Designed by College Students for Middle School Students”, Proc. of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, HI, June Capstone Design Team Papers: 1.TEAK Sound and Music P10041 ( ): Sheryl Gillow (ME), Heather Godlewski (ME), Bryan Lozano (EE), Jeremy Schuh (EE) 2.TEAK Bioengineering P09041 ( ): Nick Dalton (ME), Jing Tao Gao (EE), Eugene Koon (EE), Rich Liccion (ISE), William Scorse (ME) 3.TEAK-O Website (Software Engineering, ): Geoffrey Brown, Brendan Kapsimalis, William Minsinger, Aaron Pfeifer, Kevin Visalli 4.TEAK Energy and the Environment P06302 ( ): Patrick Kelley (CE), Mallika Ramaswamy (ISE), Nicholas Ryczko (ME), Timothy Schriefer (ME), Michael Sterling (EE), John Wocial (ISE), Melissa Zaczek (ME) 5.Design of Engineering Related Teaching Aids for Middle and High School Students P05903 ( ): Lisa Bonanno (EE), Ryan Carr (ISE), Jeff Kelly (ME), Joel Lomnick (EE) …Common Banner
TEAK Home Kits & Activities Outreach Teacher Training Workshop Publications Contributors Sponsors Contacts Sponsors – NSF, ASHRAE Contributors More than 50 people, most of them undergraduate students have contributed to the development and dissemination of TEAK materials. TEAK Instructors These students worked as instructors, teaching TEAK content to pre-college students in area classrooms, during after-school activities, or as part of summer camps. Student participation ranged from one-time lessons to summer camp instructors who involved TEAK lessons in their camp agendas to full time employment with The TEAK Project. Some of these students also worked on kit development, and they are recognized separately below. Kit Hardware and Lesson Plan Development These students developed, maintained, and revised TEAK hardware and lesson plans. As part of their kit development, many of these students also tested their final products as instructors in classrooms with pre-college students. [Similar format for table…] …Common Banner StudentMajor Konrad AhlinMechanical Engineering Tess AmbroseMechanical Engineering
TEAK Home Kits & Activities Outreach Teacher Training Workshop Publications Contributors Sponsors Contacts Sponsors – NSF, ASHRAE Contributors Website and Graphics Development These students developed software, web content, and graphics for The TEAK Project. [Similar format for table…] Faculty and Staff Support Many RIT faculty and staff members have worked to support The TEAK Project since its inception. …Common Banner NameDepartmentRole Elizabeth DeBartolo, Ph.D.Mechanical Engineering Co-founder, advising design teams, developing teaching workshop modules Margaret Bailey, Ph.D.Mechanical Engineering Co-founder, advising design teams, developing teaching workshop modules
TEAK Home Kits & Activities Outreach Teacher Training Workshop Publications Contributors Sponsors Contacts Sponsors – NSF, ASHRAE Sponsors The TEAK Project has been developed with the following support: Partial support for the TEAK Project is provided by the National Science Foundation’s Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program under Award No Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Partial support for development of the TEAK Energy & Environment kids was provided under an American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air- Conditioning Engineers Senior Projects Grant. Do you think we need this if the sponsorship is listed at the bottom of each page? …Common Banner
TEAK Home Kits & Activities Outreach Teacher Training Workshop Publications Contributors Sponsors Contacts Sponsors – NSF, ASHRAE Contacts The TEAK Project General Information: Elizabeth A. DeBartolo, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Department Rochester Institute of Technology 76 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester, NY phone: (585) fax: (585) (Women in RIT): Jodi Carville, Director Rochester Institute of Technology 77 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester, NY phone: (585) fax: (585) RIT Office of K-12 Programs: Dianne L. Spang, Director Rochester Institute of Technology Office of K-12 Programs-1333 Bldg Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester, NY phone: (585) fax: (585) …Common Banner