Monday, Aug. 27 th : “A” Day Tuesday, Aug. 28 th : “B” Day Agenda Collect safety agreements/pass back safety tests Consequence Report/Lab equipment handout Lab write-up format/evaluation rubric Lab handout/discussion/write-up Safety project work time - due NEXT class period! We will be in the lab NEXT class period – be sure to dress appropriately…NO FLIP- FLOPS!!! Get SSA signed and turned in or you won’t be allowed in lab!
Lab Consequence Report As students of chemistry, you must know that absolutely no unsafe activity will be tolerated in the lab! If you are asked to leave the lab, you will be required to complete a lab consequence report before being allowed back into the lab. You will receive a zero on the lab. Your parents/guardians will be notified.
Lab Folders All lab write-ups and handouts will be kept in a separate, yellow folder. The folder will begin with a table of contents that’s updated as new labs are added. Lab procedures will be passed out before the lab so that you will have time to complete the lab write-up prior to conducting the lab. All labs will be graded according to a rubric.
Lab Equipment Handout Become familiar with the common lab equipment on this page. Keep this page on the left side of your yellow lab folder for future reference.
Lab Write-Up Format and Evaluation Rubric All lab write-ups need to follow the correct format. All conclusion questions need to be answered using COMPLETE SENTENCES! Keep these on the left side of your yellow lab folder for future reference.
Lab: “Lab Techniques” Get together with your lab partner now (8:00) Get out some blank paper. We’re going to do your 1 st lab write-up!
Table of Contents Write “Table of Contents” at the top of a blank piece of paper. Make 2 columns: Title of Lab and Lab Number Write the lab name and number of lab. The table of contents page is always the first page on the right-hand side of your lab folder. Title of LabLab Number Lab Techniques1
Lab Write-Up Title-Purpose-Hypothesis-Materials- Procedure Since this is your first lab write-up, we’ll do it together as a class…
Title This is the easiest section of the whole lab write-up. Simply write the title of the lab at the top of a blank piece of paper. “Lab Techniques”
Purpose What is the purpose of this lab? What are you trying to learn or figure out? This information is typically found in the opening paragraphs of the lab handout. Purpose The purpose of this lab is to learn how to use a bunsen burner, how to handle solids and liquids, how to use a balance, and how to practice basic safety techniques in lab work.
Hypothesis With your lab partner, discuss what you think the outcome of the lab will be. What do you think will happen? Hypothesis After completing this lab, I will know how to work safely in a chemical laboratory.
Materials The materials section is simply a list of the materials that are needed to conduct the lab. Materials -Balance-100 mL grad cylinder -250 mL beaker (2)-Wire gauze -Bunsen burner/striker-NaCl (sodium chloride) -Copper wire-Spatula -Crucible tongs-Test Tube -Evaporating dish-Weighing paper -Water squirt bottle-Test tube holder
Procedure This is the section of the lab write-up that will take up most of your time. You need to list step-by-step instructions on how to conduct the lab. The first step should ALWAYS BE safety equipment. The last step should ALWAYS BE clean up and wash hands. You CAN use pictures or sketches. You CAN simply use bullet points. Summarize – DON’T just re-write everything from the lab handout.
Procedure 1.Safety glasses/apron/hair 2.Location of safety equipment/Table 1 3.Gas valves off? 4.Compare bunsen burner w/picture 5.Partly close air ports, turn on gas, light burner w/striker. Adjust gas valve/flame 8 cm above barrel. Adjust/flame/steady, quiet, w/light- blue inner cone.
Procedure, continued 6.Crucible tongs/hold 10 cm copper wire in flame (see pic) 2-3 sec/3 different spots. Observations/Table 1 7.Completely close air ports/observe/record color of flame/sound. Crucible tongs/hold evap. dish tip of flame 3 min. Cool on wire gauze, burner off. When cool, look at dish/record observations. 8.Balance = zero.
Procedure, continued 9.Mass weigh paper/nearest.01g/Table 2. NaCl on separate piece/transfer 13 g NaCl to paper on balance. Exact mass/Table Transfer NaCl on paper test tube (see pic) 11. Mass 250 mL beaker/record Table 3. Add water to 50 mL mark, mass, record/Table 3. Repeat, filling to 100 mL mark and 150 mL mark/record mass each time. Find mass of water only by subtracting mass of empty beaker from mass of water + beaker.
Procedure, continued 12. Repeat step 11 w/dry 250 mL beaker but use graduated cylinder for volumes of water. Bottom of meniscus for measurements. Record nearest 0.1 mL/Table Clean equipment, put back where found, gas valves off, clean tables, WASH HANDS.
Procedure, continued That’s it! Staple your lab write-up to the front of your lab handout and put it in your yellow lab folder behind the table of contents.
Safety Project Work Time Be sure to use whatever class time we have left wisely… Remember, the safety projects are DUE NEXT CLASS PERIOD! NEXT TIME: Lab next class period – be sure to dress appropriately…NO FLIP-FLOPS! No signed safety agreement = no lab!