SOM Sponsors: HARDWARE PERFORMANCE TESTING TOOLS (ORACLE DB) By: Casey Dyke (Macquarie Bank) Yury Velikanov (Pythian) & All of you
SOM Sponsors: Hardware Performance testing (Oracle context) Goals Have a simple as possible reproducible test to estimate HW performance Based on the test output Evaluate if a hardware current performance corresponds to specification Compare different HW performance Forecast application performance improvement in case of migration to a different HW Establish a baseline in case there any suspicious that HW don't perform as expected Requirements As simple as possible As close to Oracle RDBMS load as possible The same on different platforms
SOM Sponsors: Hardware Performance testing (Oracle context) Goals Have a simple as possible reproducible test to estimate HW performance Based on the test output 1.Evaluate if a hardware current performance corresponds to specification 2. Compare different HW performance 3. Forecast application performance improvement in case of migration to a different HW 4.Establish a baseline in case there any suspicious that HW don't perform as expected
SOM Sponsors: My experience from the field TESTLIO CPU & Memory Oracle Calibration Test. As simple as possible. Do exactly that DB is doing 95% of the time. Takes 3M space, 5-20 secs to execute. Run in idle timeframe. No impact on application. Run TEST ..\..\..\..\..\1w\SQL\testlio.sql..\..\..\..\..\1w\SQL\testlio.sql Make TEST ..\..\..\..\..\1w\sql\mktestlio.sql..\..\..\..\..\1w\sql\mktestlio.sql NOTE: DB block size has an impact on the results
SOM Sponsors: ORION (Oracle I/O Calibration Tool) Google: orion oracle A single executable (Users Guide) Available for mainstream platforms Advantages Simple to setup & run No need to install anything (copy & run) Use the same calls as Oracle RDBMS does Can be used be used in Read Only (default) and Read Write modes Complete and Understandable results Flexible Disadvantages Runs against device (access to /dev/sdbx) Unreliable with NFS and FS (my experience)
SOM Sponsors: ORION (Oracle I/O Calibration Tool) FDISK Aligning ASM Disks on Linux ORION echo /dev/sdb1 >./sdb1.lun nohup./orion_linux_x86 -run simple -testname sdb1 & ./orion_linux_x86 –help Theoretical IO results 1 spindle give us 100 IOPS / 50 MBPS (10)
SOM Sponsors: DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER. CALIBRATE_IO Oracle I/O Calibration Tool 11GR2 new feature Isnt documented well 100% DB IO Calls testing Overcome ORION limitations Easely can be used on any Oracle storage solution (including NFS) It Seams it gives relayable results..\..\..\..\..\1w\sql\cio.sql..\..\..\..\..\1w\SQL\cio_results.txt
SOM Sponsors: Disadvantages of a simple test Doesnt test concurrency Doesnt test different operations Isnt close to your application Doesnt test your application dynamic behavior
SOM Sponsors: HAMMERORA Tool Command Language (pronounced "tickle") Tcl, or Tool Command Language (pronounced "tickle") is a simple, open-source- licensed programming language similar to Perl and PHP. OraTCL was adopted by Oracle Corporation and is used for several of the Enterprise Manager (OEM) Event and Job scripts. OraTCL is installed with the OEM Intelligent Agent, and is thus also available for use by Oracle DBAs and developers. Install Documntation
SOM Sponsors: HAMMERORA Setup Benchmark -> TPC-C -> TPC-C Schema Option Service Name System Password Number of Wirehouses AWR Snapshot Driver Script Total Transactions per User Virtual Users -> Virtoal Users Options Show Output Log Output to Temp TX Counter -> TX Counter Options Connect String Refresh Rate config.xml
SOM Sponsors: HAMMERORA Run Load Virtual Users (button) Benchmark -> TPC-C -> TPC-C Driver Script Run Hummerora Loadtest (button) Transaction Counter (pensil button)
SOM Sponsors: HAMMERORA CREATE TPCC DB SCHEMA create tablespace TPCCTAB ; Benchmark -> TPC-C -> TPC-C Schema Option Service Name System password Number of Warehouses (100M/1min) Number of Threads (insert data in parallel) Create TPC Schema (button) RE-CREATE TPCC DB SCHEMA drop user tpcc cascade; CREATE TPCC DB SCHEMA