George lived at number 42. On rainy days he would sit inside his house,
playing checkers with his cat.
putting ships in jars,
eating pizza in front of the television.
However, George had another pastime. He had a passion for the lady across the street
He sometimes sat on his porch watching her closely.
George daydreamed they were in love and dancing together.
Also, that they had took a honeymoon cruise.
George gazed out the window, continuing to think about his love.
George dreamed they were Vikings, eloping and in love! Romeo and Juliet!
George went to bed. “Tomorrow”, he promised, “will be the big day.”
The next morning he put on his best shirt and tie. He had a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs.
George decided to call first. He was so shy and nervous he couldn’t even speak.
George imagined he was tall and handsome.
There was a knock on the door. It was a Girl Guide selling cookies. George bought some.
Unfortunately her grandchildren came for a visit just then.
George waited until he heard the car leave Rosemary’s place.
George knocked on the door and was speechless
Rosemary had been spying on George!
Wonderful! George moved across the street with his cat. They lived happily ever after.