Status of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 in Belgium R. Alvarez, ROB
Leading role of the IAU as a catalyst and coordinator: initiator and international leader of IYA2009 Goal: global celebration of astronomy => « The Universe, Yours to discover » UNESCO & UN ( Dec ) endorsement Activities: –at all levels: international (« cornerstone projects »), national, regional and local –involvement of professional and amateur astronomers The IYA2009 Generalities
110 National Nodes 19 Organisational Nodes: ESO, ESA, NASA, ASP, Europlanet, etc. Organisational Associates (financial support): ESO, AAS, INSU, Canadian Astronomical Society, Sterrenwacht Leiden, Society for Popular Astronomy, etc. The IYA2009 Organisational structure
SPoC: National Single Point of Contact Belgium: R. Alvarez (<= Belgian National Committee for Astronomy) Role of the SPoCs: –Form an « IYA2009 National Organising Committee » (=> Belgian Steering Committee) –Involve national professional societies and amateur astronomical societies –Inform the public and the press about the planned activities –Link between National Committee and IYA2009 Secretariat The IYA2009 The SPoCs
List of contacted persons: –Professional astronomers (through BNCA) –Amateur astronomical societies (VVS, amateur clubs) –Public observatories (Volksterrenwachten, Sivry, etc.) –Science centers (Technopolis, Earth Explorer, Euro Space Center, Scientastic) –Stakeholders promoting science (JCW, Jeunesses Scient.) –Some space-related industries (VRI, Bruspace) –Authorities (Belspo, Senate) => 72 people in the mailing-list Steering Committee meetings: 18/06/07, 12/09/07, 05/12/07, 05/03/08 The IYA2009 in Belgium The Steering Committee
Meet each others and exchange ideas Share experiences, informations, facilities Endorse local activities Elaborate common/regional/national events Implement (when applicable) the cornerstone projects Discuss the promotional aspects (press releases, press conference, media partnership, etc.) The IYA2009 in Belgium Role of the Steering Committee
100 Hours of Astronomy: 24 hours of live webcasts, observing events, star gazing (might coincide with a “Dark Sky Event”) => April 2nd – April 5 th (J. Marteleur) Galileoscope: easy-to-assemble telescope that can be distributed by the millions (A. Van der Eecken, F. Bove) The Portal to the Universe: global astronomy web portal Cosmic diary: professional astronomers’ blogs => 1 candidate from Belgium: Saskia Hekker (ROB) Cornerstone projects IAU Global events (1/3)
From Earth to the Universe: (outdoor) exhibit of astronomical images (C. Janssen) IAU/UNESCO Astronomy and World Heritage: promotion of sites or landscape forms connected with astronomy She is an Astronomer: promote gender equality (Y. Nazé & P. Lampens) Universe awareness: access to scientific culture for economically disadvantaged young children (S. Van Eck & G. Van de Steene) Cornerstone projects IAU Global events (2/3)
Dark Skies Awareness: worldwide measurements of local dark skies, star parties, new lighting technologies, arts & storytelling, etc. (F. Pas) Galileo Teacher Training Program: create by 2012 a world-wide network of certified Galileo Ambassadors, Master Teachers and Teachers (ESERO) Developing Astronomy Globally: responds to the acknowledgement that astronomy needs to be developed in various countries that do not have strong astronomy communities Cornerstone projects IAU Global events (3/3)
Web-site (S. De Jonge - VVS) on-going Galileo Galilei drama (R. Boninsegna) 3 companies interested Foucault pendulum (A. Lausberg) no proper location Astronomy olympiad (S. De Jonge) Fl / Wa / Senate Special stamp edition (AL. Kochuyt) agreement from The Post IYA2009 ambassadors (JM. Mengeot) list of possible names Night of darkness (F. Pas) 2008: first common night Fl+Wa Jongeren & Ruimtevaart (L. De Bie) first contacts with ESA The IYA2009 in Belgium Planned activities (1/3)
Astronomical city tour (S. De Jonge) Fl / Wa Ask for support (R. Alvarez) Belspo / Communities Special « Science Connection » (J. Cuypers) on-going Weekly astronomical files (R. Alvarez) on-going Astronomy kits for schools (R. Lenaerts) on-going Star gazing events (VVS, AEG, FFAAB) 3 dates vs Talks (Y. Nazé) Wa (Liège, Mons, Namur, Charleroi) / Fl Travelling exhibition (F. Pas) need for support The IYA2009 in Belgium Planned activities (2/3)
March 8: Women Day (Y. Nazé & P. Lampens) on-going Implementation of UNAWE-Belgium (S. Van Eck) on-going Thematic events (R. Alvarez) Erfgoeddad-Patrimoine / Binche carnival / Printemps des Sciences / Marcolini Local projects ( activity forms to fill in ) –Apollo-11 event at the Euro Space Center –New ESO/ALMA planetarium show at ROB Planetarium –New observatory in Neufchâteau –Astro-Event 2009 in Oostende –Talks and Rallye des Mathématiques at FUNDP –Piano concert « The Planets » (Holst) at ROB Planetarium The IYA2009 in Belgium Planned activities (3/3)
Press releases: –December 2008: press release & press conference => list of activities, calendar of events –During the year: press releases related to national events –Each actor is encouraged to promote its own activities Media partnership –Contacts with VRT & RTBF (« Tous sur Orbite »): no answer (yet) Next step: direct contact with TV program producer –Media group Corelio ( Vers l’Avenir, Journal des enfants, Het Nieuwsblad, De Standaard ) very interested in establishing a strong partnership ( astronomical files, calendar of events, special edition for schools, etc.) The IYA2009 in Belgium Communication plan
Implementation of events –Working groups should keep working… –… in order to provide a (not so) preliminary calendar of events Obtain the involvement of the authorities ( Belspo, Senate, Communities ) Communication –Need for a strong improvement of the Belgian web-site « » –First common Press release in December : detailed agenda of activities –Press conference in December, together with the Press Release The IYA2009 in Belgium Next steps
Interesting list of potential projects We need to make it really happen Enthousiastic response from the amateur community Today: opportunity to inform and involve the professional community 2009 will come soon... => Ideas, projects, all kinds of involvement welcome! The IYA2009 in Belgium Conclusions