1 Reading First Action Seminar Los Angeles Unified Schools Thursday, October 28, 2004
2 What can we do to CHANGE the culture? Students need teachers who teach until it’s working and everyone learns. Students need teachers who understand how we need to take responsibility for improving achievement by focusing on improving the teaching that each child receives. Students need coherent, systematic, and explicit teaching with multiple opportunities to learn, practice, and apply.
3 What can we do to CHANGE the culture? Students need teachers who teach until it’s working and everyone and everyone learns. Students need teachers who understand how we need to take responsibility for improving achievement by focusing on improving the teaching that each child receives. Students need coherent, systematic, and explicit teaching with multiple opportunities to learn, practice, and apply.
4 What can we do to CHANGE the culture? Teachers need _____ who coach until it’s working and everyone is teaching at a skilled level. Teachers need _____ who understand how we need to take responsibility for improving achievement by focusing on improving the teaching that each child receives. Teachers need a coherent, systematic, and explicit coaching with multiple opportunities to learn, practice, and apply.
5 Road map Decoding Comprehension Vocabulary Writing Fluency
6 Objectives: 1.To learn specifically what you should see happening during vocabulary instruction in an Open Court classroom. 2.To understand the intended student learning as a result of the vocabulary instruction. 3.To plan your specific actions to improve vocabulary instruction in your school.
7 First, student achievement results at each school need to guide the areas/topics for professional development. -Cindy Harrison President of the National Staff Development Council
8 Los Angeles Unified School District Disaggregated Assessment Data Grade 3 Unit 1 Open Court Reading Percentage of students at or above benchmark.
9 Los Angeles Unified School District Disaggregated Assessment Data Grade 3 Unit 1 Open Court Reading Percentage of students at or above benchmark.
10 Team Discussion As you look at your data, what questions should be asked about vocabulary instruction at your school site? Discuss crossover relationships evident in the data: vocabulary-fluency vocabulary-comprehension vocabulary-writing
11 Strategy Instruction Strategy Instruction is a model developed by Pressley and others to assist the learner to apply a set of proven strategies to unpack the meaning of text and to be able to figure out the meaning of words (Beck).
12 Strategy Instruction cont. The strategies that are used are based on what successful readers do when reading. The model of teaching includes explicit teaching of the strategies by leading the learner through the process of applying the strategy to unpack the meaning of the text or unfamiliar vocabulary. The use of these strategies is taught using a think aloud model and extensive engagement.
13 The Teacher’s Role Evolves In strategy instruction, teachers follow the "gradual release of responsibility" model (Pearson and Gallagher 1983), explicitly presenting learning strategies and then gradually handing over responsibility to students, while modeling and guiding."
14 Where is vocabulary strategy instruction taught and practiced? Where is vocabulary developed?
19 Where is vocabulary strategy instruction taught and practiced? Where is vocabulary developed? Unit opener Blending/Word Knowledge Transparency During Reading After Reading Workshop Unit overview 12-13L12-13R Monster Tracks 66A-75F82A-91J
20 Refine Teach ReflectSTUDY The Lesson Study Process
21 What strategies do good readers use to figure out vocabulary? Reference the 2002 Program Appendix (Handouts #2 and #3) Define the following three strategies: Context Clues Word Structure Apposition
22 Study the lesson: Plan the vocabulary selection lesson using the guiding questions. Reference “Instruction Based on All Students Can Learn” Read the Routine Card Read the Lesson - page 66I (2000) - page 82N (2002)
27 Planning the Vocabulary Lesson 1.What is the intended student learning? 2.How long should the lesson take? 3.What misconceptions and challenges do you anticipate students facing? 4.How will the teacher model and explain the expectations clearly? 5.What culturally-relevant strategies will be incorporated to engage all students? 6.What accommodations will be used to support English Language Learners?
28 Study the lesson: Plan the vocabulary selection lesson using the guiding questions. Reference “Instruction Based on All Students Can Learn” Read the Routine Card Read the Lesson - page 66I (2000) - page 82N (2002)
29 Refine TEACH Reflect Study The Lesson Study Process
30 Second, schools need to get better at ensuring that time is allocated for professional learning and that structures are in place to support teachers when they try to implement new strategies. -Cindy Harrison President of the National Staff Development Council
31 Refine Teach REFLECT Study The Lesson Study Process
32 Reflect on the Teaching: 1. How did the teacher establish the purpose and procedure of the lesson (orientation)? 2.Cite evidence of the students’ understanding of the use of vocabulary strategies? 3.What culturally relevant strategies were used to promote engagement and cooperative learning? Cite examples. 4.Which questions and follow-up responses were effective in guiding the discussion? Which questions/follow-up responses took the focus off of the purpose of the lesson? 5.How could the teacher have phrased responses to keep the lesson focused on strategy instruction? Be specific.
33 Lecture 5% Reading 10% Audio Visual 20% Demonstration 30% Discussion Group 50% Practice By Doing 75% Teaching Others 90% Average Learning Retention Rates What would you have done differently?
34 REFINE Teach Reflect Study The Lesson Study Process
35 Third, to ensure high-quality professional development in a building, the principal must have excellent content knowledge and skills and knowledge about effective professional development. -Cindy Harrison President of the National Staff Development Council
36 What next steps would support this teacher in refining the instruction? In school teams, role play. The coach is to be the teacher. The Principal and AP will co-conference with the teacher. If your team is larger than three, you may have an observer.
37 Refining and Taking Action… “I would like to come in and model a vocabulary lesson.” “This is what I would like to see.” Have the discussion: “What does modeling really mean?” Check and double check. Does everyone have the transparencies? Does everyone have a working overhead projector? The lesson study process by grade-level. Model together. Practice with each other. Share observations. Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up!
38 School Team Action Plans What are your objectives? How will your team improve vocabulary instruction at your school site? What are your plans for following through on the professional development?
39 An Opportunity to Share Pair up with another school team. Share your action plan. Team A Team B (10 minutes) Team B Team A (10 minutes)
40 “Teachers are the gatekeepers of the classrooms in which teaching and learning take place. We cannot not work with teachers. They are, necessarily, the solution to the problem of improving teaching.” -James Stiger & James Hiebert from The Teaching Gap