CEDAR Support Structure and PMT Test Peter Sutcliffe 13 th July 2011 CERN via EVO.


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Presentation transcript:

CEDAR Support Structure and PMT Test Peter Sutcliffe 13 th July 2011 CERN via EVO

Proposed CEDAR Concept Design Existing PMT Head Insulation (all yellow parts) New Detector Support Detector Frame Cooling and Electronics Light Guide Mirror N2 Environmental Casing Shortened Dimension 843mm PMTs

Latest Version... Mainly Prototype

General View of Mirrors  New Alum split support tube surrounds existing PMT Head  Mirror fixed to the support tube  Some Adjustment needed at prototype stage Edmund Optics Lens R Dia 75mm, FL 200mm, Rad mm 4 on order To be Al coated at CERN

General Section

Light Guide New 8 X 4 Array  Light Guide made of Aluminium and to be wire eroded at Liverpool.  Complicated process of manufacture, but planning is well under way.  Test pieces of cone have been made.  Burnishing tool is on order.

PMT Test at CERN October  Aluminium short tube which will screw directly onto existing Quartz window holder and fixed into one of the 8 existing PMT positions.

Detail of PMT holder  Aluminium short tube  PMT holder and 37° polished cone  ‘Top Hat’ to house PMT  Electronics arrangement..TBD. Quartz window Holder (existing) New PMT Tube (Aluminium)New PMT Holder New PMT Top Hat (insulator) PMT