Ad Astra! To the Stars! Resources for Further Exploration
Dilecta Selected Resources and Publications
Elementary Latin Activity Packet Grades 1-4 Paper-based activities to teach and review vocabulary lessons Several ideas provided for each vocabulary set Lessons include: NamesNumbers AnimalsHomes EntertainmentWeather Body PartsCommands
Activity Packet (Elementary Level) Grades 3-5 Concentration on mythology (e.g., Jason, the Aeneid, the gods) Emphasizes word study and application of Latin knowledge to English and modern life Exposes students to Latin derivatives Discussion and critical thinking activities
Activitates Pro Liberis Grades 1-2; Grades 3-7 Complete lesson plans for Greek, Latin, Roman culture, and Classical mythology Ideas for in-class discussion and activities Colorful worksheets and handouts included Family discussion questions Companion website provides extra materials and graphics
Discovering Languages: Latin Grades 1-5 Teaches, reinforces, and reviews vocabulary with illustrations Gradually teaches Latin pronunciation Vocabulary lessons include cultural information in English Glossary included
Learning Latin Through Mythology Grades 1-7 Units include a myth, word/sentence study, activity ideas Uses pictures to aid understanding of Latin Myth highlights: AtalantaBaucis & Philemon Daedalus & IcarusDaphne King MidasNarcissus PhaethonMedusa
First Latin Grades 1-5 Teaches Latin supplementary to cultural and mythological themes Intersperses Latin sentences with English narratives Simple grammatical concepts Strives to show modern/daily applications
Minimus Ages 7-10 Teaches simple grammatical concepts by association Colorful, illustrated comic-style stories English explanations of grammar, culture and mythology Highlights “words to help” and derivatives
Salvete! Grades 4-8 Lessons accompanied by illustrations, maps, and pictures Cumulative reviews and glossary of important vocabulary Pattern-reinforced translation and derivatives Semi-comprehensive reference paradigms
Latin is Fun Grades 4-8 Concentration on Latin syntax and grammar Pictures aid understanding of concepts Introduces grammatical and syntactical concepts through patterns Word studies help teach derivatives Emphasizes reading Latin to help translation
Libri Liberis Latine Children’s Books in Latin
I Am Reading Latin Stories Ages 6-10 Original stories in Latin accompanied by illustrations to clarify the text English translation included Comprehension questions, glossary, and notes on Latin grammar Series of four books: Ursus et PorcusTaurus Rex Rena RhinocerusOctavus Octopus
English Children’s Books in Latin Ages 6-12 Translated into Latin from the English originals Imitate original meter and style Original illustrations used for familiarity Glossary of words used Books translated by J. & T. Tunberg: Cattus PetasatusVirent Ova! Virent Perna Quomodo Invidiosulus Nomine Grinchus Christi Natalem Abrogaverit Arbor Alma
Ursus Books Ages 4-10 Accessible through picture cues and association, to encourage active reading Teaches basic Latin vocabulary, mythology, and culture in separate stories CD-ROM for PC or Mac
I Am Reading Latin Ages 4-8 Original illustrated stories in Latin, accessible through picture cues Primarily teaches vocabulary of the set theme from each book English translations provided
Examina Certaminaque Assessments and Competitions
Exploratory Latin Exam Grades 3-6 Tests ability to recognize vocabulary in context Tests knowledge of vocabulary, derivatives, and common phrases Syllabus introduces mythology, culture, and history through: MythologyHistory GeographyArt and Architecture
National Mythology Exam Grades 3-9 Tests general knowledge of mythology Focus on roles and characteristics of the gods More difficult for older, advanced students Higher-level themed subtests: OdysseyIliad AeneidNorse AfricanNative American
Colloquia Collecta Listservs
LatinTeach Geared toward high school teachers May be adapted or applied to elementary school settings Subscription-digest and articles available
Excellence Through Classics Community of teachers for discussion of Classics at the elementary level Articles, lesson plans, activities, books shared by fellow teachers
Latin-Best Practices Mostly used by teachers at the high school and college levels Particularly useful to find answers to questions and suggestions for approaches to lessons
Initia Prima Starting Points for Further Exploration
Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute Links to helpful sites and articles for teaching elementary Latin Free downloadable lesson plans Publications available for sale Scholarships available to high school students
Teaching Materials and Resource Center Available from the American Classical League Resources and reference materials Children’s books in Latin and about Classical topics Fun classroom items
Latin and Language Catalogue with wide variety of items: booksvideos t-shirtsposters pencilsmusic stickers
Excellence Through Classics Materials to prepare for ELE and NME In-depth activities to reinforce concepts May also be used independently of the exams Grants available for teachers