The Theory of Hospitality and Catering Dynamic Learning published by Hodder Education © 2011 D Foskett and P Paskins Promotion and selling
The Theory of Hospitality and Catering Dynamic Learning published by Hodder Education © 2011 D Foskett and P Paskins Introduction Promotion is concerned with the product. This product constitutes a total package on offer, and includes: The image of the establishment The prices charged The quality of the product and service The environment, facilities and services The style of management and staff
The Theory of Hospitality and Catering Dynamic Learning published by Hodder Education © 2011 D Foskett and P Paskins Promotional methods Promotion should inform, create awareness, pursue and convince customers of the image and quality of the product, including: Personal selling Merchandising Advertising Public Relations Sales Promotion Agents
The Theory of Hospitality and Catering Dynamic Learning published by Hodder Education © 2011 D Foskett and P Paskins Personal selling Personal selling is done through contacts with local organisations and committees. All employees who are in contact with customers must be made aware of the importance of selling the products to increase profits and provide a satisfactory experience for the customer.
The Theory of Hospitality and Catering Dynamic Learning published by Hodder Education © 2011 D Foskett and P Paskins Advertising The purpose of advertising is to: Increase sales immediately Create greater public awareness Pursue the public Focus on communicating the benefits of the product Focus on communicating product differences of competitors
The Theory of Hospitality and Catering Dynamic Learning published by Hodder Education © 2011 D Foskett and P Paskins Local media and promotion Promotion in newspapers Get to know your local media Be aware of deadlines Make contacts in local media Know how to write a press release Write letters to the editor